Apple Iphone New Zealand Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Apple Iphone New Zealand is 18006927753 / (0800 692 7753) .
Apple has launched its Very impressive Smart phone worldwide including New Zealand. Apple is one of the leading Mobile technology companies in the country. Apple is dealing in its various products such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Ipod and Apple Television etc. Apple is most innovative company in mobile communication and entertainment sector. Apple founded in 1976 and incorporated on January 3, 1977. The company was established by Steve Jobs. It has its headquarter in Cupertino, California, U.S.

Services Provided By Apple Iphone New Zealand

  • For Product Purchasing & Inquiries Apple Store Apple Iphone New Zealand provides their customers the facility of Apple Online Store to purchase Apple hardware, software and third-party accessories. In order to purchase by phone, call 0800-MY-APPLE (0800 692 7753). Customers can get information about an order placed on the Apple Online Store through the Order Status page. If needed customer can also get order status or make changes by phone at 0800-MY-APPLE (0800 692 7753).
  • Lost or Stolen Apple Products If customer have lost or found an Apple product, contact local police station to report it. Customers can also find a list of serial numbers associated with Apple ID and get information about using Find My iPhone for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac.

Important Contacts Apple Iphone New Zealand

Customers can contact Apple Iphone New Zealand through below given address:
Apple Iphone New Zealand Corporate Office Contacts
Location: Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142 0800-MY-APPLE
PO Box Number: 912015
Apple Store (Consumer care number): 0800-MY-APPLE (0800-692-7753)
Apple Store (Small Business): 0800-880-411
Apple Store (Education Institutions): 0800-MY-APPLE (0800-692-7753)

Apple Iphone New Zealand Address

The address of Apple Iphone New Zealand is 245 Captain Springs Road, Onehunga, Auckland 1061, New Zealand.

Apple Iphone New Zealand Website

The Website of Apple Iphone New Zealand is

Apple Iphone New Zealand Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Apple Iphone New Zealand is 18006927753 / (0800 692 7753) (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Apple Iphone New Zealand Service Center and Apple Iphone New Zealand customer care number is given below. The helpline of Apple Iphone New Zealand customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Apple Iphone New Zealand Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Apple Iphone New Zealand Customer Service Care Phone Number 235907
Ms. Payal Rawat CallsAug 20, 2015

Ms. Payal Rawat On Phone To Apple Iphone New Zealand Service
Two months before i brought i6 from New Zealand and last morning its screen became black. I restart it, but after showing apple sign it screen become red and some times black. I am in India i do not know what to do. How will i get its replacement. ?.

Apple Iphone New Zealand Phone Number Customer Care Service
Customer care user complaints