Hitachi Gujarat Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Hitachi Gujarat is 18601809080, +91-79-30414747, 35324848 .
Hitachi Gujarat is a regional corporate center of Hitachi Home and Life Solutions India Limited that provides a wide range of small and major appliances for business and home uses. Hitachi is global engineering and Electronics Company operated from corporate headquarters in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. With a diversified range of products and solutions, the company is involved in multifarious business segments such as financial services, Railway & urban systems, power Systems, electronic systems & equipment, information & telecommunication systems, high functional materials & components, digital media & consumer products, automotive systems, social infrastructure, construction machinery and other components & systems. Hitachi Limited was commenced in 1910 by the endeavors of Namihei Odaira. The company together with its various subsidiaries operates across the North America, Asia, Europe and Japan.

Hitachi India Company Profile

Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Limited generally abbreviated as HHLI, is a wholly owned business unit of Hitachi Limited that manufactures and sells various types of products ranging from home air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, chillers, self-contained air conditioners, cassette air conditioners to VRF systems, commercial air conditioners and room air conditioners. The company was established in 1984. It has pan-India presence through nearly 1,500 sales points, 21 branches and approximately 200 service dealers. Apart from this, the company also operates a network of more than thirty-three company owned service centers to provide customer assistance services.

Hitachi Gujarat Address

The address of Hitachi Gujarat is Ninth Floor, Abhijeet Mithakhali Six Roads, Ahmedabad :380006, Gujarat, India.

Hitachi Gujarat Email Address

The email address of Hitachi Gujarat is,

Hitachi Gujarat Website

The Website of Hitachi Gujarat is

Hitachi Gujarat Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hitachi Gujarat is 18601809080, +91-79-30414747, 35324848 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hitachi Gujarat Service Center and Hitachi Gujarat customer care number is given below. The helpline of Hitachi Gujarat customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Hitachi Gujarat Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Himanshu Panchal CallsAug 16, 2013

Mr. Himanshu Panchal On Phone To Hitachi Gujarat Service
I have Hitachi 32 inch LCD TV,
my LCD is broken so i want to buy LCD Screen
My TV Model Number is L32T05A.

I Calling lots of time, but no one received call

Himanshu Panchal 9099030521

Customer care user complaints