Mr. Janardan Pandey On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
I am not able to view Sony TV channel from yesterday, please help. My RMN is 8128535198
My other number is 8511154756.
Mr. Anil Kumar On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Unable to talk customer care executive. I have to drop the Everywhere TV services but, unable to is ready to provide service for the same only by giving missed call only, why not for dropping the service. ID number 1010030649.
Mr. Mohd.arif On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
No response despite calling more than ten times. please Redress my grievance quickly.
Mr. Anand Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Why our monthly charges revised from 230 to 240 please explain it urgently. I not requested for any chargeable pac.
Mr. Gopaldutt On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
No one is responding on your customer care service at No. 18602086633.
Mr. Virender Bhadur Prashar On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Today evening No signal on my TATA sky box. After calling help line only assurance to us wait for signal their is any limit to wait or not how many hrs. To wait please. Reply.
Mr. Ravi Chaudhary On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Tata sky is not working till now Contact number is 09219222333.
Mr. Vishal Mangla On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
There are no good response from TATA sky. After very long hold they disconnect call without any intimation. Very much fed up from TATA sky.
Mr. Kavi Kumar On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Dear sir,
Now my TATA sky box not working since last friday my TATA sky subscriber id is 1119799987 i complaint regarding this, but no response from your side. Please check my box as soon as possible.
Mr. Arpan Tomar On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
I Received a call from your TATA sky customer care. first he asked me about services and i replied that services are good after that he has given me a offer of game channel 601 and he said that paid 90 paise for six months and enjoy the all game then i have accepted his offer, but after sometime i have received the message in which i found 90 paise deducted per day from my account with a lock in of 180 days.
So,i do not want this service and kindly deactivate this service as soon as possible.
Mr. Nandan Singh On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
I got the following message on my mobile phone number From tatasky yesterday request pleted for four months active vedic maths, rupees Two hundred twenty eighgt current air condition bal. rupees One hundred six. Due date November new monthly charges rupees Six hundred fifty eighgt. I would like to inform you that i had not made any request for vedic maths with monthly charges of rupees Six hundred fifty eight. In fact i got a call from tatasky that you can try our new package with initial amount of rupees Three per month for three months and if you wish you can continue further. Since it was a trial offer with only rupees Three month i agreed. He then informed me that within next minutes one of our technician from tataky willl e to instal the new package. So far none has turned you, but i have got this message. I am now not at all interested in the above scheme and confirm the canellation of message received from you immediaely. Nandan singhtatasky subscriber id.
Mr. Mr Stanley On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Dear sir,
I have been using my TATA sky box for long times ago i have no problems all the channel are working so fine on that time. everything is work fine and whenever i recharged my account its all perfect working. Since now i do not really understand what is going on with my TATA sky so please help me about my problems. My Subscriber ID is 1039033558 and my account have been deactivated so i can not recharge it any more in this case I am so willing to recharge my account and I am already called and spoke to one of your client to customer service. They said they are going to activated my account within 24 hour and they gonna let me know about that. so if you couldn't mind could you please kindly send me to my email address above and please let me know as soon as my account is activated . MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS IS WINKOKO212@GMAIL.COM
Mr. Stanley jame On Phone To Tata Sky Delhi Service
Dear sir,
My Subscriber ID is 1039033558 and my account have been deactivated so i can not recharge it any more in this case I am so willing to recharge my account and I am already called and spoke to one of your client to customer service. They said they are going to activated my account within 24 hour and they gonna let me know about that. so if you couldn't mind could you please kindly send me to my email address above and please let me know as soon as my account is activated . MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS IS WINKOKO212@GMAIL.COM