ABB Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ABB is +41-43-3177111, Fax +41-43-3174420 .
ABB is based in Switzerland that is renowned as a leading company in power and automation technologies that has main office in Zurich. It is counted among of the world's largest engineering companies and largest conglomerates.

ABB Deals in

ABB specialties in Power, Process Automation, DCS, Instrumentation, Discrete Automation and Motion, Control Products and Systems, High Voltage Products and Systems, Low Voltage Products and Systems, Medium Voltage Products and Systems, Motors and Generators, LV Drives, MV Drives, Robotics, Motors, Machines, Low Voltage Products, Breakers, Starters, etc. There are several competitors of ABB, some are: Alstom, Eaton Corporation, General Electric, Legrand, Nexans, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric and Siemens.

Establishment of ABB Group

The ABB group has been present in the electrical equipment industry since 1988. The company came into existence through a merger between ASEA AB and BBC Brown Boveri AG. The ABB group operates as the subsidiary company of Investor AB, an investment company based in Switzerland. As of 2013, the company has ranked 158th in the Forbes ranking list.

Operations of ABB in the World

ABB has workforce of over 140,000 employees and has network in more that hundred nations across Americas, Asia and Oceania, Europe, and Middle East and Africa. The shares of ABB in shares market are traded on the stock exchanges of Zurich, Stockholm and New York. As of 2014, ABB is renowned as the world's largest supplier of industrial motors and drives, and it is mostly renowned for generators and power grids across the world.

For more details about ABB Company and its products and network, you can visit at the official website or follow it on social networking sites.

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ABB Address

The address of ABB is Affolternstrasse 44, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland.

ABB Website

The Website of ABB is

ABB Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ABB is +41-43-3177111, Fax +41-43-3174420 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ABB Service Center and ABB customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ABB customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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