ABLE Commission Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of ABLE Commission is (405) 521-3484 / 1-866-894-3517 .
ABLE Commission is a government supervised office that is responsible to regulated laws and enforce rules about the beverage and alcohol in the state. The commission has authority to issue licenses to sell alcohol products and other types of beverages. The commission is legalized to keep an eye on the access of youth to tobacco products. ABLE Commission has devised various rules and laws about the enforcement of beverage act and keep inspecting the license of alcohol sellers. The commission has authority to take action against the violators of rules and also enforce legal cases against them. ABLE Commission also organize many awareness programs to create general awareness among the masses about the ill effects of alcoholism and runs many programs to protect young generation for the tobacco use.

Important Contacts Of ABLE Commission

ABLE Commission Provide has setup various contact channels to assist people and provide all needed information through various channels. In order to connect do use below mentioned contacts:
Service LineContact Numbers
Main Office(405) 521-3484
Toll Free1-866-894-3517
WHOLESALERS Call405) 522-3033
TULSA DISTRICT(918) 581-2402

License Application Of ABLE Commission

ABLE Commission as mentioned provide licenses for running a beverage shop, the commission has devised rules and regulation for applying to office. The commission provide licenses only to eligible shops only and the commission has setup terms and conditions to determine the eligibility. ABLE Commission allows people to apply for licenses online.

Tobacco Information Center of ABLE Commission

ABLE Commission has setup a tobacco information center that provide all information about the programs and helps youth to prevent the use of tobacco products. The center provide all assistance in order to reduce the use of beverage and tobacco among the younger generation.

ABLE Commission Address

The address of ABLE Commission is 3812 N. Santa Fe, Ste 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73118.

ABLE Commission Website

The Website of ABLE Commission is

ABLE Commission Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ABLE Commission is (405) 521-3484 / 1-866-894-3517 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ABLE Commission Service Center and ABLE Commission customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of ABLE Commission customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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ABLE Commission Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Rick Bailey CallsApr 28, 2021

Hello, This is not a complaint I am having trouble finding a contact email for our ABLE Commission. I am interested in the intent of our NEW law signed by the Governor, SB760. This bill says if a business has two licenses from the ABLE Commission they can have a common area to consume drinks. If a fraternal organization such as a Moose or Elks lodge have both a mixed drink license and a Bingo license does that mean that they are allowed to sell and serve alcohol drinks to Bingo customers in the common area? I realize alcohol is not allowed in the Bingo area. Thanks

please reply to email
Rick Bailey

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