Ahmedabad Management Association Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ahmedabad Management Association is 07926308601 .

A pioneer in the management movement in the country, Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad has been contributing to management profession and the society through its various educational, training and research activities. Established under the inspiring leadership of late Dr. Vikram A. Sarabhai and other professionals, Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad are an independent, non-profit, registered charitable institution and a Society. For its over 370 institutional and 2000 professional manager members and other entrepreneurs and businessmen, Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad has been providing a regular forum to interact and enrich knowledge and experiences in management through its various educational and professional activities.

Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad is one of the promoters and founder member of All India Management Association, the apex body for management profession in India, and has been collaborating and participating in all its educational and professional activities offered throughout the country.

Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad has received 14 times (1990 to 2008, the Best Local Management Association Award Category-I by the All India Management Association for its Outstanding Contributions in professional management.Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad is also an ISO 9001 certified organization and an approved institute for Management Training by Government of Gujarat.

Activity Centres were established with a view to give focussed attention and organise activities on a specific subject which is dearer to the donor. This is promoted by organizations and individuals providing a onetime contribution of Rs.15, 00,000/- towards Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad's corpus. The programmes and events organized under each centre will be part of Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad's overall activities. An Activity Centre conducts a course, one major lecture/Panel discussions and Publications. In all the literatures, programme announcement etc. relating to the activity will carry the sponsors' name.

The Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad complex is one of the well known and happening places in the city of Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad Complex building received the unique distinction of having won the world Architectoral Award in 2001 under educational building category. The Building complex consists of Seminar Halls, Computer Lab, Library, Auditorium, and Meting Rooms etc. All these facilitative are equipped with latest audio-video system and internet. Especially set-up Video conferencing facility is another attraction to the Centre.

Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad’s 30,000 sq. ft. Management Complex was set up in 1997 at a cost of Rs. 3 crores. Further expansion in 2008 extended the building with additional space of 18000 sq.ft. This sculpture is a perfect blend of time, elegance, innovation and quality.

Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad Library is housed at AMA complex and is open to AMA Members and AMA students. For borrowing books, Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad members will have to pay a security deposit of Rs. 500/- on which a library card will be issued. The Library also provides services to MBA students on a nominal charge. AMA library is fully computerized, barcoded and now online.

Ahmedabad Management Association - AMA Ahmedabad library has a collection of 25000 books. We have a collection of 250 magazines on various subjects and nearly 20000 indexed articles from these magazines, we are getting 16 newspapers and we maintain newspaper clippings on 250 subjects. Apart from this we have 600 CDs. We have an updated collection of trade directories on Exports, Industries, Pharma and Chemical, Plastics, Tourism, Indian economy, Banking, dictionaries etc. We have a special collection of books on WTO, International Trade, Tourism and Healthcare. Language learning facility is provided through audio cassette in the library premises.

Ahmedabad Management Association Address

The address of Ahmedabad Management Association is Core - AMA Management House Torrent - AMA Management Centre ATIRA Campus, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Ahmedabad Management Association Email Address

The email address of Ahmedabad Management Association is amaahd@gmail.com.

Ahmedabad Management Association Website

The Website of Ahmedabad Management Association is www.amaindia.org.

Ahmedabad Management Association Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ahmedabad Management Association is 07926308601 (Click phone number to call).

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