Alice Institute of Technology Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Alice Institute of Technology is 9534150095 06512361035 .
Alice Institute of Technology-AIT is affiliated to Ranchi University. Alice Institute of Technology-AIT was founded with the objective of social, educational and economic upliftment of society in the year 2003, and has become a symbol of quality education in technical and professional streams in India and has been carrying on its lineage for over 7 years. Alice Institute of Technology-AIT, Nawagarh, Block-Angara, Ranchi is approved by all India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, Department of Science & Technology, Government of Jharkhand and affiliated to Ranchi University, Ranchi and located at Nawagarh, in the vicinity of Hundru Falls. The range of Hillocks overviewing the campus provides a scenic surrounding most suited for academic pursuits.
Alice Institute of Technology-AIT is an epitome of quality education, imparting value-based, career-oriented, professional and technical education in the area of Engineering, Technology's. The Alice institute of technology has taken upon itself a great deal of social responsibility to provide the best in terms of academics, extra-curricular activities, infrastructure and environment as a whole. The carefully selected faculty members are an important asset of AIT for providing sound academic inputs blended with organization of National Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Industry-academia interactions and orientation towards Research, Innovation, etc. The Faculty members are highly qualified with long teaching experience acquired at the prestigious Institutes of our country and have to their credit a large number of books and research papers published in refereed journals of national and international repute. The Alice Institute of Technology-AIT provides an environment which is fully conducive to all academic pursuits while offering many Faculty Development schemes for University teachers to participate in national and international conferences. In order to update the knowledge of the students and teachers while keeping them abreast with latest research in subject, Seminar, Conferences, Industry-Academic Interfaces, programmes are organized as a routine activity. Alice institute of technology provides scholarships to students on merit. It also has attractive provisions of awarding financial assistance to deserving students on Merit-cum-means basis as also Medals with cash prizes to meritorious students who excel in various fields like academic, sports, culture, etc.
Alice Institute of Technology-AIT, an Exclusive and Modern Technological Institute is set amidst 67 acres of serene green quiet environment, tucked away from the hustle & bustle and the noise and the is a quiet and perfect setting for serious studies & personalities development. The Institute campus contains Academic Block, Administrative Block, Central Library, Computer and other specified Laboratories with state-of-the Equipments, Playgrounds, Games & Sports and Canteen. The major Industries in the vicinity such as HEC, SAIL, CIL, Usha Martin etc. are ready to provide practical training to our competent students.
The Alice Institute of Technology-AIT has got excellent faculty in the following B. Tech course: Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering.

Alice Institute of Technology-AIT has a c separate well organized Training and Placement cell which conducts academic as well as industrial trainings, provides pre placement guidance to students and arrange campus interviews. Some of their major recruiters in last few years are: CMC Communications, Goshiniwal, Nokia, APLAB, MarsEDPL, Ashok Leyland, Airtel, AIPL Softwares, PA Project, Project Builders, Eastern Energy Limited etc.

Alice Institute of Technology Address

The address of Alice Institute of Technology is Nawagarh, Ranchi, Jharkhand.

Alice Institute of Technology Email Address

The email address of Alice Institute of Technology is

Alice Institute of Technology Website

The Website of Alice Institute of Technology is

Alice Institute of Technology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alice Institute of Technology is 9534150095 06512361035 (Click phone number to call).

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