Art Van Furniture Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Art Van Furniture is 888 427 8826 .
Art Van Furniture is a chain of furniture retail stores that is largest furniture retailing company in the State of Michigan by sales. Art Van Furniture is in business since 1959 was founded by Art Van Elslander, a young businessman. Art Van started business as a furniture showroom in area 4,000 square feet in Eastpointe. There are about 4,100 employees working in the furniture company. Art Van Furniture has 36 stores in the US state of Michigan.

Art Van Furniture Features:

Art Van Furniture specializes in manufacturing and retailing living room furniture, bedroom furniture, office furniture, outdoor furniture, Dining furniture, decorative furniture and home furniture. Art Van entered in the mattress retailing business by acquiring the Mattress World of Michigan in 2011. The service of online order is available with the full warranty, care and protection, on any issue customer can return and exchange the product.

Art Van Furniture Corporate Address:

Art Van Furniture, 6500 14 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48092 is corporate address to visit frequently.

Art Van Furniture Web Support: is website to explore Art Van Furniture's nearest store or other information, for Art Van Signature Cards or to know more about Art Van Convenience Cards.

Art Van Furniture Email Support:

To get online assistance, the email address is or and online live chat facility is available during operational hours.

Art Van Furniture Customer Care Number Support:

To make order, call at toll free number as 888 427 8826 and for scheduled delivery, service, warranties, repairs and parts number is 800 662-0038, for Convenience Cards Retail Services dial 877-441-2813 and for Art Van Signature Cards 866-396-8254.

Art Van Operational Hours Information:

Art Van Furniture can be in touch From Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday to Sunday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Art Van Furniture Address

The address of Art Van Furniture is 6500 East 14 Mile Road, Warren, Michigan, United States.

Art Van Furniture Email Address

The email address of Art Van Furniture is

Art Van Furniture Website

The Website of Art Van Furniture is

Art Van Furniture Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Art Van Furniture is 888 427 8826 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Art Van Furniture Service Center and Art Van Furniture customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Art Van Furniture customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Art Van Furniture Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Marie CallsAug 10, 2018

Ms. Marie On Phone To Art Van Furniture Service
Hello. My name is Marie and i live in Windsor in Canada. I'm interrested by your couches, but i do not know how to get mine. Thanks for your reply.

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