B L College of Education Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of B L College of Education is 9412575053 .

B L College of Education – Mainpuri was established in 2007 is the newly established institute which has got its affiliation to for running B.Ed. programm under proposal, classes under the effective, academic and administrative control of University.

It aims at the pursuit for excellence in order to resonate the world of higher education with a spirit of commemorating and immortalizing a meritorious personality. It's higher educational career facilities a vision to be transformed into a melodious planning of adopting a brilliant, comprehensive and innovative strategy of establishing an academy that may really guide the modern students and prepare them for the increasing demands of the techno-oriented society of today.

B L College of Education – Mainpuri is located at Padua Road, Bhongaon Mainpuri, Uttrapradesh. B L College of Education – Mainpuri building and its physical structure and surroundings impart a deep, direct and formative impression upon the psychology of the teachers and the taught. Keeping this view in mind, the college building has been magnificently structured with all possible facilities required to students. Its is not only beautiful but has airy Spacious Rooms, Laboratories, Theatres, Library etc. along with other conveniences.

B L College of Education – Mainpuri Library is housed in a spacious area and stacks more than 3085 books and reference volumes for lending to faculty and students. The library subscribes more than 10 specialized national and International journals, periodicals,magazines, News Paper & dailies, including many rare manuals is made accessible to facilitate the scholastic development and achievements of the students. There are 200 books available in the reference section of the library. Seating capacity of the reading room of the library is 25.

Excellent facilities are offered at B L College of Education – Mainpuri for all the indoor games and outdoor games in which students are trained by a qualified Physical Director and his team of assistants. Students are encouraged to participate in various inter collegiate competitions whereby they are given a chance to exhibit their talents and win medals and trophies. B L College of Education – Mainpuri provides free medical aid to the students in the college campus round the clock. Canteen is the place where students of all courses interact with each other & enjoy the food.

B L College of Education Address

The address of B L College of Education is Bhongaon, Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh.

B L College of Education Website

The Website of B L College of Education is www.blcollegeofeducation.com.

B L College of Education Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of B L College of Education is 9412575053 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of B L College of Education Service Center and B L College of Education customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of B L College of Education customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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