BLS Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of BLS is 1-202-691-5200, 1-800-877-8339 .
BLS is fully known as Bureau of Labor Statistic is a labor market agency headquartered in Washington DC, USA. The Bureau of Labor Statistic is the USA Department of Labor. the Bureau was emerged in the year of 1884. The Bureau manages all the labor market, see working situations and is also responsible for the labor rate in the nation of United States Of America. The BLs association introduces flexible, proper and objective type of products and assistance to the labor people of the whole USA. For assisting the public and private decision making the Bureau of Labor Statistic gives all the important information to them. The Bureau have a well famous record of its milestones, anniversaries and commissioners. BLs produces Calculators of its own that works in the market of Labor.

Services Of Bureau of Labor Statistic

The BLS have Subject Area Categories, Data Tools, Publications, Economic Releases, etc.

1. Subject Area Categories: The Bureau has Consumer and Producer Price Indexes, Import and Export Price Indexes, Consumer Expenditure Survey, etc, The BLs gives information also about Pay and Benefits, Workplace Injuries, Employment, Regional Resources, Unemployment.

2. Publications: BLS presents Monthly Labor Review, Magazines and Journals, Reports and Bulletins, The Economics Daily and much more.

3. Economic Releases: The BLS have Productivity and Technology, Major Economic Indicators, International Programs and Regional News Releases, etc.

Social Media Networking Links Of BLS

Facebook Link Of BLS Is

Twitter Link Of BLS Is

Pinterest Link Of BLS Is

BLS Address

The address of BLS is Postal Square Building, 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington DC 20212-0001, United States Of America..

BLS Email Address

The email address of BLS is

BLS Website

The Website of BLS is

BLS Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of BLS is 1-202-691-5200, 1-800-877-8339 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BLS Service Center and BLS customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BLS customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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