Mr. Jaiprakash Sharma On Phone To Bank Mandiri Service
I made transfer to MEGA KARYA UTAAMA KREASINDO, WISMA SEJAHTARA KAV, JAKARTA, INONESIA who is the account holder in your Bank. This account holder is ID haker, He frauded(cheated) us as being a pakistan rice supplier. As we came to know that this man is a ID haker. Now we do not know what to do please give your feed back on this as soon as possible. Even request you to stop this payment. Waiting for your Reply.
Mr. Jaiprakash Sharma On Phone To Bank Mandiri Service
Respected SirI in behalf of IMPEXCO TRADING request you to stop the payment of $ 40, 581 (usd) of following partyName and Adress :- MEGA KARYA UTAMA KREASINDO WISMA SEJAHTARA KAV, JAKARTA INDONESIAAccount Number:- 129-00-101-3313-6Beacuse this account holder is ID HAKER. He fraud us. I am sending you attached file of that SWIFT COPYPlease KIndly stop this payment And do other needs ful actionWaiting For your feedbackRegardsIMPEXCO TRADINGFREETOWN, S. L (WEST AFRICA).
Mr. Madhu Rao Annoji On Phone To Bank Mandiri Service
MY mandiri bank account no. 1480013856672i have undergone one international transfer of rp. 15000000 on 28 march 2016 to my indian syndicate bank account from bank mandiri malinau. transaction note: tt iss ovb sa trnasfer dana mr. madhu rao annoji syndicate bank 10000000till now the amount is not reflected in my indian account. i want to know the status of this transaction. please help me in getting present status. thanks and regardsmadhu rao a 62 85753320020.
Dear Bank Mandiri. Please send the extension of my master card due to the expire date 02/15. Number 5126 7660 0053 2741. RegardsGelorawanto.