Mr. Peter Halliday On Phone To Barclays Pingit Service
Why is there no help for the hard of hearing/deaf? Apps are great when they work first time, otherwise they are a nightmare. I got an error message repearedly and reluctantly tried the help line. I could not understand what the gentleman was saying so I apologised and rang off. I tried again to add the app days later and could not enter my five digit number; the app would not allow it. I deleted the app from my mobile. I then tried to get payment only version on my computer. This I was not allowed to do as I had started the app on my mobile. I drove five miles to the nearest branch. Waste of time and petrol. I have tried your website. Useless. Then my comment was too short Hope this is long enough.
Ms. Melesa Baby On Phone To Barclays Pingit Service
Hello there,
I am a resident abroad now and so do not have a UK phone number active. I wish to check if the balance in my Pingit Wallet is correctly associated/transferred to my UK bank account. Please advise as a non UK resident how I an access such information or who/which number/email can I contact from abroad. Regards,
Melesa Baby .
Ms. andy weston On Phone To Barclays Pingit Service
Good morning, I do not use Pingit but my account is receiving fraudulent deductions through this app. I have informed my bank but I need to make you aware also to prevent further payments clearing my account. please call me as urgent. regards Andy
Ms. Karen On Phone To Barclays Pingit Service
07450-061770 my sister has sent me money via ping it however my account details were wrong and I had to delete my ping it how can I retrieve my money ?.
Mr. Roger Avent On Phone To Barclays Pingit Service
Your website says PINGIT will run on Android OS 4. one and higherPINGIT worked on my Samsung Galaxay three with Android OS version 4. 3Then it did notYour team advised de-installing it. I come to re-install it. The install fails and it says my OS needs to be upgraded. What next?Roger.