College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur is 08643224068 .

College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur was established in 1945. Considering the demand for Agricultural Engineering graduates in this state, the State Government permitted the Agricultural University to start a 4-year B. Tech (Agricultural Engineering) Degree Programme in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur from the academic year 1983-84. The Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, College was designated as the Officer-in-charge of the programme under the administrative control of the Principal of Agricultural College, Bapatla. This degree programme was started in the month of July 1983 when Dr. K.A. Balasubramanian was the Principal of Agricultural College, Bapatla. Dr. C. Gopala Rao, the then Associate Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering.

College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur was appointed as the Officer-in-charge of degree programme and he continued till Dr. P. V. Narayana Rao took charge as Officer-in-charge in the month of August 1984. Later, Dr. K. S. V. V. Siva Rao worked as Officer-in-charge from May 1989. The programme was continued under the administrative control of the Principal of Agricultural College, Bapatla till it was elevated to the status of full-fledged College of Agricultural Engineering in the year 1990 and the post of Officer-in-charge was re-designated as Principal and Dr. K. S. V. V. Siva Rao, who was acting as Officer-in-charge at that time was appointed as regular Principal of College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur in February, 1991. However, the college continued in the campus of the Agricultural College, Bapatla till it was shifted to new campus in Karlapalem road in May 1994.

A separate campus (existing campus) for the college was planned in a 25 acre area on Bapatla – Karlapalem road provided by the Panchayat Raj Department and the foundation stone for construction of the building complex was laid by Dr. N. T. Rama Rao, the then Honble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 24-02-1988. The College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur buildings constructed at a cost of Rs.46.45 lakhs were inaugurated in the new premises on 5-5-1994 by Sri K. Jana Reddy, the then Honble Minister for Agriculture of Andhra Pradesh and the college was shifted to the new buildings in May, 1994.

College of Agricultural Engineering – Guntur has the unique feature of being the only college offering Bachelor of Technology in Agricultural Engineering degree in Andhra Pradesh State. The annual intake of the students into the degree programme was only 20 in the initial year 1983-84 and later was raised to 30 from the subsequent year. The admissions are made through EMACET conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. At present the annual intake is 30 plus 5 from ICAR quota.

College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur Address

The address of College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur is Bapatla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh..

College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur Email Address

The email address of College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur is

College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of College of Agricultural Engineering Guntur is 08643224068 (Click phone number to call).

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