Desi Khana Bradford Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Desi Khana Bradford is +44 1274 656541 .
Desi Khana of Bradford is a restaurant that offers quality food and beverages to the customers. The types of food offered at Desi Khana is Turkish, Kebabs and Halal. The menu of Desi Khana includes pizza, garlic bread, burger, chicken, wraps, rice, biryani dishes, sauces, desserts and many more. This restaurant is opened 7 days a week providing a 12 hour regular service to the customers. The restaurant is an Asian oriented and offers various Asian dishes to customers. Desi Khana Bradford also offers various takeout dishes to customers. The restaurant offers dishes that includes Masala Dishes, Balti Dishes, Traditional Curries and Biryani Dishes

Menu Of Desi Khana Bradford

Desi Khana Bradford is one of the Asian based restaurant that offers meals and much more fun to customers. The restaurant offers meals under various menu that consists of lunch The restaurant chain offers lunch menu to customers that includes famous recipes of various regions. The lunch also contains classical and modern dishes. Desi Khana Bradford also offers dinner menu to customers that includes appetizers, starters and other delicious recipes. The menu also contains sweet deserts. The restaurant is known to provide famous dishes of Asia that consists of Special Pizzas Garlic Bread, Calzone, Kebabs, Naan Kebabs, Burgers, Grilled Burgers. Beside this restaurant offers modern dishes that includes Wraps, Grilled Food, Chicken, Baguettes, Side Orders, Kids Meal, Starters, Tandoori Dishes and Desi Specials. Desi Khana Bradford deliver various takeout meals to customers. The restaurant offers customers to order and take desired recipes along.

Customer Contacts Of Desi Khana Bradford

Desi Khana Bradford is a customer oriented restaurant thus, offers all the possible customer support to clients. Customers are encouraged to connect with customer center ask for related information. To connect with customer support of Desi Khana Bradford do use below mentioned helpline channels:
Mailing Information: 930 Leeds Rd, Bradford BD3 8EZ, United Kingdom
Phone Number: +44 1274 656541
Opening Hours: Monday through Sunday: 11:30 AM - 11:00 PM

Desi Khana Bradford Address

The address of Desi Khana Bradford is 930 Leeds Road, Bradford BD3 8EZ, United Kingdom.

Desi Khana Bradford Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Desi Khana Bradford is +44 1274 656541 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Desi Khana Bradford Service Center and Desi Khana Bradford customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Desi Khana Bradford customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Desi Khana Bradford. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Desi Khana Bradford will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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