Dmv Kansas Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Dmv Kansas is +1 (620) 227-3944 .
The Department of Motor Vehicles or Dmv is a state level government agency that is responsible for driver licensing and vehicle registration in the United States. IT Works under the Department of Revenue (DOR) and maintains the records by administering new car dealers, commercial Cargo carriers, private driving schools, and private traffic schools. It offers various online services such as vehicle registration, renewal of vehicle license, issuing drivers license, Identification cards, titles, vehicle tags, auto insurance and pay citation etc. It is a nonprofit organization and is responsible for the enforcement of federal and state laws and rules for motor vehicles. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) keeps a check on the records of the drivers and abolish or suspend the driver license after a maximum number of convictions are conducted by the driver. It issues driving licenses after fulfilling the formalities including written test and hands-on driving tests.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is a state-level public department that audits the vehicle registration and driver licensing. This department works for the Department of Revenue, United States of America. This state-owned agency has its branches in all fifty states of America.

The department is responsible for the enforcement of federal and state laws and rules for motor vehicles. It offers several online services such as renewal of vehicle license, vehicle registration, drivers license, pay the citation, Identification cards, titles and Vehicle Tags. It works under the “Department of Transportation”. The department provides help for the learning drivers and issues driving licenses after clearing the written test and hands-on driving tests.

It is a non profitable agency that was established for the safety and well being of the citizens. DMV works in the context of the driver's license insurance and their renewal. The Department of Motor Vehicles keeps track of the records of the drivers. The corporate business office of the Kansas DMV is situated in the Topeka region of the Kansas state. It also provides the traffic rule information for the citizens.

Hours of working: Tues - Fri: 7:00 AM - 5:45 PM

Dmv Kansas Address

The address of Dmv Kansas is 2601, Central Lower Level, Room 3, Dodge City, KS 67801, Kansas City, United States.

Dmv Kansas Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dmv Kansas is +1 (620) 227-3944 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dmv Kansas Service Center and Dmv Kansas customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Dmv Kansas customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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