Gemmy Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Gemmy is 800-231-6879 .
Gemmy officially known as Gemmy Industries is a private company deals in manufacturing of electronics items and decoration products. The company was founded in the year 1984 in Irving, Texas. The headquarters of the company is situated in Coppell city of Texas, United States of America.

Products of Gemmy

Decoration products of the company are famous in the whole United States. The products contained in the product line of the company are Animated Toys, Gag Gifts, Novelty Items, LED lights, Solar Lighting system, Lightshow Costumes, Seasonal Decor Items, etc. The pop culture's figures such as James Brown, Louis Armstrong, Hank Williams JR and many other popular figures are also manufactured by the company. The company's portfolio also consists of the Halloween animated figures representing villains of the movies like Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, Ghost Face, Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees. The other product line includes the characters which are liked by most of the people such as Scooby Doo, Hello Kitty, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, etc. The gag gift range of the company consists Harry the Humping Hog, Bullshit Button, Cahones the Chihuahua, Humphrey the Humping Dog.

Gemmy Description

The company has developed partnership with many popular stores within the United States. The famous stores, with which the company has partnership includes Walmart, CVS Pharmacy, Target Corporation, BigLots, Toys R Us, Spencer Gifts, Albertsons, Spirit Halloween, Lowe's, Sam's Club, Home Depot and many others. The products of the company are also served in Canada. Some famous stores of the Canada, in which the company's products are available, can be listed as Target Canada, Canadian Tire, Home Depot Canada, Walmart Canada, Lowe's Canada, etc.

Additional Contact Number

For any other details or query related information, use the following numbers:- Coppell Contact Number - 972-538-4200. Fax Number- 972-538-4242.

Gemmy Address

The address of Gemmy is 117 Wrangler DR, Coppell, TX 75019-4612, United States.

Gemmy Email Address

The email address of Gemmy is

Gemmy Website

The Website of Gemmy is

Gemmy Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Gemmy is 800-231-6879 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Gemmy Service Center and Gemmy customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Gemmy customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Gemmy Phone Number Customer Service

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Gemmy Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Kelly Carry CallsDec 16, 2019

I purchased a Gemmy christmas egg laying chick. I've had it maybe a week and a half and it has stopped working and I e changed the batteries twice without success. If someone could possibly tell me how to fix it that would be great because my grand baby loves the chick.

Customer care female
Ms. Jackie Myers CallsMar 26, 2018

Ms. Jackie Myers On Phone To Gemmy Service
Hi i need a adapter for heads up Harry. Could you help me find one.

Customer care female
Ms. Michelle Takenishi CallsDec 08, 2016

Ms. Michelle Takenishi On Phone To Gemmy Service
I am desperately trying to buy a Kringle Hamster for my daughter for Christmas. I'm in Honolulu, Hawaii. Please help.

Customer care male
Mr. Joseph Cuschieri CallsAug 16, 2016

Mr. Joseph Cuschieri On Phone To Gemmy Service
I have a james brown animated figure, but one of the parts is broken where can i get a replacement ive added pictures.

Gemmy Customer Service Care Phone Number 249331
Ms. Patricia Hahn CallsDec 28, 2015

Ms. Patricia Hahn On Phone To Gemmy Service
I ahve a Dean Martin singing Doll and the mouth does not move.

Gemmy Customer Service Care Phone Number 247992
Mr. J. Julia CallsDec 14, 2015

Mr. J. Julia On Phone To Gemmy Service
Please call ME @ 240. 472. 5966 . My complaint is that I purchase a FIVE (5) Inflatable character last year in December 2014. It worked all through Christmas up to the point of putting back into storage. I took it out of storage and set it up for use. But it won't work. The Transformers that convert (120V to 12V, 1. 0 AMP). Please advice me to what can be done for this problem. Thank you, JULIAJO@LIVE. COM 240-472-5966.

Gemmy Customer Service Care Phone Number 247470
Ms. Roxanne Nelson CallsDec 10, 2015

Ms. Roxanne Nelson On Phone To Gemmy Service
I am looking to replace a remote control device for the Trio light show trees. I have posted two messages to customer service and have had no response. I tried your phone number, but it went to a general mailbox. Would really like an answer back as the whether or not I can purchase a new remote. Christmas will be over before your customer service gets back to me. Frustrated customer715-271-9959.

Customer care female
Ms. Kim CallsOct 31, 2015

Ms. Kim On Phone To Gemmy Service
Purchased two inflatable Halloween lawn decor two weeks ago and neither of them work :(.

Customer care female
Ms. Kim CallsOct 31, 2015

Ms. Kim On Phone To Gemmy Service
I have two inflatables that I purchased and the adapter of both will not work, where can I get replacement's please.

Customer care male
Mr. Carson Geyer CallsOct 01, 2015

Mr. Carson Geyer On Phone To Gemmy Service
I purchased the wizard of oz witch and it does not work there is power in the base, but no power at the neck z.

Customer care female
Ms. Kim Says Oct 31, 2015

I am having the same issue with my ghost in a pumpkin and my black pumpkin too.

Customer care male
Mr. Wayne Bostick CallsDec 20, 2014

Mr. Wayne Bostick On Phone To Gemmy Service
Operator informed me that all customer complaints were handled via internet. Gave me web site and instructions. Said that due to Christmas holiday it may take 24 - 48 hours to get a reply. I was calling about the chandelier twinkle reindeer that was purchased. The only lights that are working on the reindeer is the head area. I have checked all bulbs and can not find a bad or broken one. What can I do?

Customer care female
Ms. Debbie Fordham CallsDec 19, 2014

I have a Gemmy Singing and Dancing Santa that compresses for storage. I have him compressed. My problem is I do not know how to get him back to the original size. I did not get instructions with him. Could you please help me?

Customer care female
Ms. Alice CallsDec 11, 2014

Ms. Alice On Phone To Gemmy Service
The number is not in service. Terrible service. I have one of their products I bought it less than a week ago. It is unusable. Can't get no satisfaction from the retailer that I purchased it from. The retailer was Canadian Tire. Terrible when you spend $250 on a product and can not get a day out of it with out it breaking. The service is terrible all around.

Customer care male
Mr. Chaz CallsDec 06, 2014

Mr. Chaz On Phone To Gemmy Service
I was told that they do not provide customer service over the phone.

Customer care male
Mr. Brent Van Bever CallsDec 03, 2014

Mr. Brent Van Bever On Phone To Gemmy Service
I can not find any of the green light show kaleidoscope lights, or any other color as well, you sell thru home depot. There's not any in my two surrounding counties. I'm trying to find out if you sell directly to the public, but can not seem to get an answer from your company.

Customer care male
Mr. Rodney Hacker CallsNov 29, 2014

Mr. Rodney Hacker On Phone To Gemmy Service
I purchased a lighted Christmas tree outside display. The number on it is 8678611600. I have a wireless remote, which doesn't seem to do anything. It did work last
year. I hope you can help me resolve this problem. I'm waiting to hear from you.

Customer care male
Mr. Bryan CallsNov 26, 2014

Mr. Bryan On Phone To Gemmy Service
When you called the 800 it asks you for a name to be transfered to. If i knew them by name i would call them direct. The reason for my contact is that i need replacement parts for Holiday Living Animated Carnival Swing 293697. I need the top with the fold down arms. Actually just the top the arms are still OK.

Customer care female
Ms. Dee CallsOct 28, 2013

Ms. Dee On Phone To Gemmy Service
Looking for plastic gear parts for a Edwardian Bulter(27308). His head has stopped moving. Motor seems to work, looks like plastic gears are worn. Thank you for your help onthis matte.

Customer care user complaints