George Foreman Grill Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of George Foreman Grill is +1-800-223-8533 .
George Foreman Grill is electrical grill that are promoted by famous boxer, George Foreman. The product is manufactured by Spectrum Brands, Inc., an American company that operates its business in different units that include Batteries & Personal Care, Pet Supplies and Home & Garden. The company has been managing various brands such as Russell Hobs, Farberware, Breadman, Juiceman, Rayovac, Varta, Spectracide and Garden Safe. The company started its journey in the year 1906 with the name of Rayovac Corporation. The headquarters of the company is located in Middleton, Wisconsin, United States.

George Foreman Grill History

The grill is also known with the name George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine. The product was launched in the year 1994 by Robert Johnson and Michael Boehm. The product is available in different countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia.

George Foreman Grill Types

George Foreman Grill is available in various colors such as Black, White, Silver, Platinum, etc. The wide range of grills under different sections namely Classic-Plate Grills, Indoor/Outdoor Grills, Multi-Plate Grills, Removable-Plate Grills. The company's product list consists of cleaning sponges, waffle plate, griddle pan and quesadilla maker. The serving Size of the grills ranges from 2 servings upto 15 servings. The tag Price of the products is between $9 and $150.

George Foreman Grill Address

The address of George Foreman Grill is 3001 Deming Way Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562-1431, United States.

George Foreman Grill Email Address

The email address of George Foreman Grill is

George Foreman Grill Website

The Website of George Foreman Grill is

George Foreman Grill Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of George Foreman Grill is +1-800-223-8533 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of George Foreman Grill Service Center and George Foreman Grill customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of George Foreman Grill customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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George Foreman Grill Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Patricia Breyette CallsMay 15, 2017

Ms. Patricia Breyette On Phone To George Foreman Grill Service
I bought a new grill a short time ago. I had an issue with it and it did not work right. I called and was told I could not take it back to the store. I asked about a replacement for it and was told to send in the cord only, not other parts and not the machine and it would be replaced. As of today i have not heard anything from your company about replacing it. What is happening about replacing it. Patricia Breyette , 273 us rte two south, alburgh vermont -05440- phone one 802 796 4378 I bought this in good faith and was assured i would get a replacement. Please do not let me down. I am a disabled 70 year old on social security and i need my george forman. Thank you for your consideration to this matter.

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