George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour is 1-888-449-3627 / 202-715-4300 / 202-715-5100 .
The George Washington University Hospital provides many health services for serving peoples in the United States. It was established in July 1997. It has specialists doctors in each department such as Orthopedics, Cardiac surgery, Cancer care, Breast care services and many others. Its goal is to provide quality health care services and treatments that satisfy the customers. The George Washington University Hospital has setup different departments and each department is concerned with their own work. The aim of hospital is to improve the health status of people.

More About The George Washington University Hospital

The George Washington University Hospital has set new standards for healthcare by providing effective health care system. The hospital provide online record of patients and visitors, apart form this hospital also empower people to pay online. The George Washington University Hospital always keep organizing events, seminars and conferences on the issues and remedies of ailments.

The George Washington University Hospital Contacts

Details about departments and contacts of hospital is shown below in the table:
OfficeContact Number
Main Number/Operator202-715-4000
Front Desk/Reception (Patient Information)202-715-4194
Birth Registrar202-715-4363
Blood Bank202-715-4398
Cardiovascular Services202-715-4130
Emergency Department202-715-4911
Front Desk/Concierge202-715-4194
Environmental Services202-715-6036
Hospital Administration202-715-4500
Human Resources202-715-4300
International Patient Services202-715-5100

Social Media Profile Of George Washington University Hospital

Facebook Link Of George Washington University Hospital

Twitter Link Of George Washington University Hospital

George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Address

The address of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour is 900 23rd Street, NW Washington, DC 20037, United States.

George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Email Address

The email address of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour is

George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Website

The Website of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour is

George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour is 1-888-449-3627 / 202-715-4300 / 202-715-5100 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour Service Center and George Washington University Hospital Human Resour customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of George Washington University Hospital Human Resour customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against George Washington University Hospital Human Resour. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that George Washington University Hospital Human Resour will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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