Highland Farms Vaughan Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Highland Farms Vaughan is +1-905-303-3999 / (416) 298-1999 .
Highland Farms located in Vaughan at Rutherford Road serves the community with different types of Bakery, Diary, fish, meat and many other organic & natural products. It is considered as the leading grocery store in Canada which had opened its doors for cutomers in the year of 1963. It is continuously operating approximately five full service supermarkets under various banners which are listed as Allen's, Barilla, Black Diamond, Bounce, Downy, Earth Balance and many more. It also facilitate on-line order placement and on-line payment mode for the convenience of the people.

Careers At Highland Farms Vaughan

Highland Farms Vaughan is a fast growing organization that has made a great position in the universe. The organization is dedicated to change the lives of their dedicated employees by offering them innovative career opportunities every time. Highland Farms Vaughan is seeking for driven people to join their group. Highland Farms Vaughan offers an opportunity to grow and to learn personally as well as professionally. For more information regarding careers at Highland Farms Vaughan, click at the given site:

Contact Information Of Highland Farms Vaughan

Who have queries regarding the Highland Farms Vaughan products, can get information by communicating with the officials at the given numbers:
Telephone: (416) 298-1999 (Scarborough)
Telephone: (905) 501-9910 (Mississauga)

Working Hours At Highland Farms Vaughan

Customers can visit at Highland Farms Vaughan during the given hours:
Monday to Saturday : 07:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday : 08:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Highland Farms Vaughan Address

The address of Highland Farms Vaughan is 3300 Rutherford Road, Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5Z2, Canada.

Highland Farms Vaughan Website

The Website of Highland Farms Vaughan is www.highlandfarms.ca.

Highland Farms Vaughan Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Highland Farms Vaughan is +1-905-303-3999 / (416) 298-1999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Highland Farms Vaughan Service Center and Highland Farms Vaughan customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Highland Farms Vaughan customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Highland Farms Vaughan. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Highland Farms Vaughan will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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