Inland Kenworth Burnaby Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Inland Kenworth Burnaby is +1-604-291-6021 .
Inland Kenworth is a leading truck and heavy equipment dealership company working in both Canada and the United States. It is in the transportation and trucking industry with the business of selling and leasing trucks. The company is originally known as Inland Kenworth, Limited and work as a subsidiary of Kenworth Truck Company, Inc. Inland Kenworth specializes in Parker Pacific Equipment, selling US war surplus vehicles that are used in Canada.

Inland Kenworth company began their business operations in the year 1949 with the efforts of Lloyd Parker. Initially launched Parker Pacific Equipment and the first dealership store opened in the year 1957. Its headquarters is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. It is the oldest and largest truck dealership company throughout the world. The company has a large system of locations spread across Western Canada and the Southwestern United States. Inland Kenworth deals in truck sales, parts and repair services. On the other hand, the company also provide financial and insurance services for their products.

The quality of services offered by the company had earned it the North American Dealer of the Year award. Inland Kenworth's parent company, i.e. the Inland Group is a leading heavy duty truck and equipment maker based in Canada. The Inland Group is mainly known for their products namely Inland PacLease, Inland Kenworth and Parker Pacific Equipment. Inland Kenworth expanded majorly during the period of 1980s with the acquisition of many other related businesses.

Inland Kenworth Corporate Office:

2482 Douglas Road
Burnaby, BC
V5C 6C9, Canada

Inland Kenworth hold their main office at the above listed address that houses various departments of the company.

Inland Kenworth Burnaby Contact Number:

Inland Kenworth Burnaby location can be contacted through phone on the above listed number for inquiring about their products, dealers and taking other information.

Inland Kenworth Burnaby Fax Number:

The complaints and other queries can be sent to Burnaby store of the company at the given fax number.

Inland Kenworth Canada Website:
For taking more detailed information on products and services offered by Inland Kenworth company is available at the its official website. In addition to product information, the website of the company lists addresses of dealership stores and regional offices.

Inland Kenworth Burnaby Address

The address of Inland Kenworth Burnaby is 5550 Goring Street, Burnaby, BC V5B 3A4, Canada.

Inland Kenworth Burnaby Website

The Website of Inland Kenworth Burnaby is

Inland Kenworth Burnaby Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Inland Kenworth Burnaby is +1-604-291-6021 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Inland Kenworth Burnaby Service Center and Inland Kenworth Burnaby customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Inland Kenworth Burnaby customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Inland Kenworth Burnaby. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Inland Kenworth Burnaby will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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