Intercity Hamilton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Intercity Hamilton is 07 823 3456 .
Intercity is a New Zealand based transportation company. The company started its service in carrying passengers to different locations in year 1987. Since then it provides efficient transportation service to people of New Zealand. It not only operates coaches and buses but also cruises, ferries and other transportation mean etc. It operates one of the largest networks of transportation in terms of area and number of people served. With the starting of transportation system in Hamilton, it not only provides easy convenience to people but also connects remote areas of the city with urban ones. It owns and launched many transportation company and operates under the name of Intercity Coachlines which provides transportation service with coaches, buses and others. It connects and serves more than 600 towns daily, Newsmans Coach Lines which deals in transportation between major cities of New Zealand to tourists spots, Intercity Link connects small route between cities, GreatSights New Zealand is a special service which was started for the tourists to sightseeing in the country, is also owned and operated by the company which deals in trip on cruises, boats and sightseeing locations etc, FullerSight Bay of Islands is another sightseeing service which operates in North region of New Zealand and Excitor which operates boating tours for tourists and others. All kinds of vehicles which are used by the company operates under the strict rule of environment act. For this, the company were awarded with Enviro Gold rating which is given to those companies which produces less harmful smokes and chemical, takes care of environment and help to keep it healthy. For further contact with the transport company its email id and fax number is given as and (09) 583 5774 etc.

Intercity Hamilton Address

The address of Intercity Hamilton is Cnr Bryce & Anglesea Street, Hamilton Central, New Zealand.

Intercity Hamilton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Intercity Hamilton is 07 823 3456 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Intercity Hamilton Service Center and Intercity Hamilton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Intercity Hamilton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Intercity Hamilton. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Intercity Hamilton will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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