Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact is +1800-234-1040 .
Jackson Hewitt is the private tax preparation company in the United States and has been directed from headquarters based in Parsippany, New Jersey, United States. It is among the largest tax preparation companies in the country makes over 2.2 million income tax returns every year.

Jackson Hewitt smartcard is a prepaid card for customers offered by bank so that they could make bill payments, shop, and get money. Jackson Hewitt card is made by Visa, an American company makes credit cards and debit cards.

Jackson Hewitt makes computerized tax returns at all federal, state and local level. The company handles its operation through 6,800 franchised branches located at various locations of the country. Its 2800 stores are located in Walmart only and on the other hand inside the Sears stores it has 400 offices. Jackson Hewitt provides various financial and tax preparation service such as tax returns, income tax returns. Apart from this, the company also gives training for tax preparation, tax audit etc. For tax preparation, Jackson Hewitt has established many tax schools across the country. Online tax preparation training is also given online with the help of University of Phoenix.

Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Address

The address of Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact is 3 Sylvan Way Suite 301 Parsippany, NJ 07054, New Jersey, United States.

Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact is +1800-234-1040 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Service Center and Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Ernest Martinez CallsFeb 13, 2016

Mr. Ernest Martinez On Phone To Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Service
I am every angry on two Feb. 2026 I had my income tax filed by your firm. I did so because I wanted an anticipation lone. I was informed that I was approved for one of $750. 00. I have yet to receive it. I activated my Amxco as directed. I have scene been told I am not qualified because of some 48 hr rule or requirement I was never informed of. It appears as if this a case of bate and switch or elder abuse. I have spoken to the district manger for the San Antonio Tx and he acted as if were a incompetent old man and never even acted on or investigated my case.

Customer care male
Mr. Ernest Martinez CallsFeb 09, 2016

Mr. Ernest Martinez On Phone To Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Service
I an unable to get a response about my not being to get the $750. 00 refund on my Amxo card. Were it not for for needing an advance I would have done it my self. I have been unable to get a response from anyone in a position of authority.

Customer care male
Mr. Robert Martin CallsJan 31, 2015

Mr. Robert Martin On Phone To Jackson Hewitt Smart Card Contact Service
I have a Jackson Hewitt SmartCard and went to the ATM to day to withdrawl $100. No money came out and I tried over and over and still no money ever came out. I checked my balance later and it shows the ATM giving me the money, but I only received $90. 00 after driving to another ATM. The first four Transactions never produced any money and That is my money Please someone contact me as soon as possible.

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