Kfc St Catharines Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Kfc St Catharines is +1(905)-688-6808 .
KFC, St Catharines is one the restaurant locations of the KFC, officially Known as Kentucky Fried Chicken. It is the fast food restaurant chain that is spread all over the world. The restaurant chain was founded by Harland Sanders, who was American business, and before the establishment of the KFC, he had been working as fireman, insurance salesman etc. Before establishment of the KFC, he also sold fried chicken by his road side restaurants located in Corbin, Kentucky. Kfc opened first outlet in 1971 at Royal Oak, Auckland, New Zealand, and gradually expanded the business. Till 1980, the company had 37 outlets, and today, it has been operating over 18,000 outlets in 118 countries and territories around the world. KFC is being operated as the subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a well known restaurant company having numerous popular restaurant chains like Taco Bell, Pizza Hut etc. KFC is always known for its chicken dishes which are made of 11 different herbs and spice. The restaurant follows standard recipes in all its restaurants around the world. After the McDonald's, KFC is the second largest restaurant chain in the world. Moving toward the menu, the company adds variety of dishes in its menu including pressure fried chicken, chicken wings, chicken fillet burgers, chicken wraps. Its chicken dishes are served with salads, and other sides dishes like French fries, coleslaw, beverages and dessert. Today, the company has become internationally recognized fast food chain having strong presence over countries like China, India, Indonesia, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Kfc St Catharines Address

The address of Kfc St Catharines is 60 Hartzel Road, Street Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

Kfc St Catharines Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kfc St Catharines is +1(905)-688-6808 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kfc St Catharines Service Center and Kfc St Catharines customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Kfc St Catharines customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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