Megabus Newyork Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Megabus Newyork is 1-877-462-6342 .
Megabus New York is the service provided in New York by Megabus, branded as, which is a cheap and reasonable Price based intercity Express bus service in the United States. It was founded in March 2006. The company started taking the bookings on 22nd of March, 2006 for the routes in US, but started providing the service on 10th of April, 2006. The parent company of Megabus is Coach USA/Coach Canada. Some of the buses of the company are also owned by DATTCO. The headquarters of Megabus are located in Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States and Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The services of the company are provided in the United States and Canada only. The slogan of the company is 'Low cost daily express bus service...stay connected'.

About Megabus New York

The company provides service to about 22 million travelers. The single or double Decker bus provides huge amount of facilities to their customers such as free cost based Wi-Fi, leather seats and plugs availability and people feel safe and secure while traveling. Customers can also book their seats in advanced for reservation by telephones and through internet. People can go on the family trips to many cities for long time in luxury buses with great safety. The main hubs of the company are Chicago Union Station, New York Port Authority, Union Station, Toronto Coach Terminal, etc.

Headquarters Address of Megabus New York

The United States headquarters of the company is located Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States of America and the permanent address of the company's headquarters is 349 1 Street Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States. The Canadian headquarters of the company is located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada and the permanent address of company's headquarters is 791 Webber Ave, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The New York address of the company is High Line, New York, NY 10001, United States.

Contact Number of Megabus New York

The customer service number of the company is 1-877-462-6342. The customers can call this number to talk to the customer service representatives of the company regarding any inquiry or complaint.

Official Online Website of Megabus New York

The official online website of the company is The customers can visit the website for any query or detailed information related to the company.

Social Links of Megabus New York

Facebook page of the company

Twitter link of the company

Linkedin of the company

Megabus Newyork Address

The address of Megabus Newyork is High Line, New York, NY 10001, United States.

Megabus Newyork Website

The Website of Megabus Newyork is

Megabus Newyork Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Megabus Newyork is 1-877-462-6342 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Megabus Newyork Service Center and Megabus Newyork customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Megabus Newyork customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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