New York and Company Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of New York and Company is 1.800.961.9906 .
New York and Company officially known as New York and Company Inc. is a public retail company. The industry was established in the year 1918. The company was founded by Samuel A. Lerner and Harold M Lane. The headquarters of the company is situated in New York City, New York, United State of America. There are approximately 553 locations within the United States, where the services of the company are available as of 2011. The portfolio of the company consists of only women related products. The main products contained in the product line of the company are Apparel, Accessories, Jewelry, Beauty products, etc.


The products of the company are sole with the help of its official online website that is, New York & Company exclusive outlet stores and the network of retail stores which are opened all over the United States. It was in the year 1992 that the name of the company was changed to Lerner New York and later it was in the year 1995 that the name was again changed to New York & Company. It was in 2004 that the company became public in nature. The first Lerner Shops store was opened New York City in the year 1918. During the same year, the company opened 18 more shops. The company opened its first West Coast Lerner Shop in 1930 in Los Angeles. The company introduced the New York & Company brand in the year 1995. The company's flagship store is situated in the New York City, which was opened in the year 2005. The official online website of the company was launched in the 2006 and the outlet division of the company was launched in the year 2010. Two years later, it was in 2012 that the beauty product range was added in the product list of the company. Next year the company introduced a new collection named the Eva Mendas Collection, which was launched under a co-partnership with the actress Eva Mendes. The ecommerce website of the company was re-launched in the year 2014 and some new features were added in it.

New York and Company Address

The address of New York and Company is 450 West 33rd Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10001, United States.

New York and Company Email Address

The email address of New York and Company is

New York and Company Website

The Website of New York and Company is

New York and Company Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of New York and Company is 1.800.961.9906 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of New York and Company Service Center and New York and Company customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of New York and Company customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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