Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton is +1 905-840-2802 .
Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton is the educational center referred to as Dame or shortened to ND and located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. The school is managed under the Duffer in Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB). IT Works under the motto "Justice, Love, Peace." Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton offers various primary years program, middle years program, diploma courses and IB Career related certificate program. The school became IB world school in 1996 that offers the IB Diploma Programme. It is state funded operating school in Canada. IB is the International Baccalaureate known as the non profitable organization working since 1968 and operates 3,717 schools in 147 countries. It provides the courses to the students aged 3 to 19 years in the county. The organization helps to develop the personal, intellectual, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work with fast globalist world. Only the elementary students in grade 8 can apply for the IB program and enters in the high school pre IB students in grade 9 in Canada. The primary years program specially referred to 3 to 19 years old students, middle years program meant for the 11 to 16 years old students, the diploma program for the 16 to 19 years old students and The Career-related Certificate also meant for the 16 to 19 years old students. Notre Dame received a silver status certification from the Ontario ecoSchool in the year of 2012.

Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton Address

The address of Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton is 2 Notre Dame Avenue, Brampton, ON L6Z 4L5, Canada.

Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton is +1 905-840-2802 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton Service Center and Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Notre Dame Secondary School Brampton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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