Sammy JS Kelowna Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Sammy JS Kelowna is +1-778-755-5675 .
Sammy J’S Kelowna is one of the restaurants of Sammy J’S Grill and bar, a restaurant chain in Canada that was founded in 1996 by Mike in Langley city. Between 1996 and 2014, the company also opened restaurants in West Kelowna, Coquitlam and South Surrey.

Sammy J’S Grill and Bar Menu

The menu of Sammy J’S restaurants offers a variety of categories such as Main Menu, Vegetarian Menu, Wine Menu, Drink Menu and Gluten Friendly Menu. In Gluten Friendly Menu, they offers dishes such as Creamy Tomato soup, Tuscan Green Salad, Blackjack Strips, Wings, Drums and many more whereas their main menu consists of dishes such as steak bites, baby back dry ribs, chicken Caesar, strawberry fields, etc. In Wine menu, they provides wines such as Reserve Whites, Premium Whites, Reserve Reds, Premium Reds and Cellar wines. They also offer drinks like ICE cold beer and muddled drinks to their customers.

Sammy J’S Customer Care Number:

+1-604-524-1422 People can call on mentioned customer care number of Sammy J’S for any information regarding their services and products. This number is not free and will be chargeable according to normal call rates.

Sammy J’S Customer Care Email Id: People can also contact customer care VIA email through above mentioned email id of company regarding any query, suggestion or complaint regarding company.

Sammy J’S Restaurant Address Kelowna:

190-525 Highway 97, West Kelowna, British Columbia
Phone Number: 778-755-5675
Fax Number: 778-755-5674

Email Id:
Anyone wants to enjoy dishes and drinks of Sammy J’S can go to above mentioned address where restaurant of company offers their services in Kelowna. The restaurant remains open between 11:00 am to 10.30 pm from Sunday through Wednesday whereas from Thursday through Saturday, the company offers their services between 11:00 am to Midnight. They can also contact them via phone number and email ids mentioned above.

Sammy J’S Facebook Official Page: You can also follow Sammy J’S on Facebook though above mentioned link, which is their official Facebook page.

Sammy J’S Official Website: For any further information regarding Sammy J’S services, you can access mentioned official website of company.

Sammy JS Kelowna Address

The address of Sammy JS Kelowna is 190-525 Highway 97, West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.

Sammy JS Kelowna Email Address

The email address of Sammy JS Kelowna is

Sammy JS Kelowna Website

The Website of Sammy JS Kelowna is

Sammy JS Kelowna Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sammy JS Kelowna is +1-778-755-5675 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sammy JS Kelowna Service Center and Sammy JS Kelowna customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Sammy JS Kelowna customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Sammy JS Kelowna Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care female
Ms. Mavi CallsDec 23, 2014

Ms. Mavi On Phone To Sammy JS Kelowna Service
I bought discovery camera last year and the green button l. I wandering if I could get a replacement camera.

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