Samsung Captivate Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Samsung Captivate is 180030008282 .
Samsung Captivate is the special model of Samsung Galaxy S, Which came in market in the year of 2010, on July. The gadget has a display of 4.0"WVGA super AMOLED, at that period this device was the hottest processor which was available in other smartphones. Samsung Captivate has a processor of 1GHZ cortex A8 includes 512MB RAM, 16GB Memory, microSD slot. The murmur of Samsung Captivate was not like another devices OF Android include Motorola Droid and Droid X. Samsung Captivate always stand with top smartphones. Samsung Captivate is calculated in the best Android devices which can be bought by money. Samsung Captivate is very smart and charming device which suit the needs of users.

Features of Samsung Captivate

Samsung Captivate has a dazzling design and has the perfect windows that blow in market.Samsung Captivate has a display of Top-notch and has a good looking screen like i phone 4 screen. Samsung Captivate has a good battery system with special power for tools on the platform of Android. The deficiency symptoms of the Samsung Captivate has a exceptional battery achievements which ever lasts for long time.

Specifications of Samsung Captivate

  • Carrier: AT$T Wireless
  • Processor:1 GHZSamsungS5PC110RAM:512MBStorage:16GB internal plus micro SD card slot
  • Display:4 inch WVGA super AMOLED with 800*480 pixel resolution
  • Weight:405 Ounces
  • Tethering:USB

Social Media Networking site of Samsung Captivate

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Samsung Captivate Address

The address of Samsung Captivate is 1301 E. Lookout Drive Richardson, TX 75082.

Samsung Captivate Email Address

The email address of Samsung Captivate is

Samsung Captivate Website

The Website of Samsung Captivate is

Samsung Captivate Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Samsung Captivate is 180030008282 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Samsung Captivate Service Center and Samsung Captivate customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Samsung Captivate customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Samsung Captivate. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Samsung Captivate will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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