Telus Surrey Bc Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Telus Surrey Bc is +1 (604) 695-6500 .
Telus Surrey Bc is a Canadian public telecommunications company that was incorporated in the year 1990. It has a primary listing on the Toronto stock exchange under the symbol "T.A" and New York stock exchange under the symbol "TU". It is the parent company of the Telus Mobility. Telus has the strength of more than 41,100 employees. As of 2011, it had Revenue of 10.4 billion. Corporate office of the company is situated in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Telus offers a broad line of telecommunications services and products like satellite television, wireless Internet, local phone and long distance services, Internet broadband services etc. The company is associated with British Columbia Technology Industry Association. Telus operates in more than 13 Canadian Provinces like Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec, Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick etc. It is one of the largest Telecom companies in Canada. The company serves 7.4 million wireless, 1.3 million Internet and 550,000 TELUS TV subscribers throughout the country.

Products and Services of Telus Surrey Bc

Various telecommunication services offered by the Telus Surrey Bc which includes internet access, satellite television, cloud-based services, managed information technology, internet protocol, healthcare solutions, wireless services, entertainment services, hosting as well as voice and data services. Besides this, Telus Surrey Bc also offers communications equipment and wireless mobile phones, parts and accessories, etc. Telus Surrey Bc is also dealing with the radio communication spectrum licenses for various wireless services and applications.

Investor Contacts of Telus Surrey Bc

For the investments of the Telus Surrey Bc, users can feel free to press down the given numbers in order to make a call which includes as:
Toll Free: 1-800-667-4871
Fax: (604) 899-9228

For Financial investor:
Paul Carpino
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel: (647) 837-8100

Robert Mitchell
Director, Investor Relations
Tel: (647) 837-1606

Media Contacts of Telus Surrey Bc

In order to get connected with media services of the Telus Surrey Bc, customers can contact the below offered officers as:
For Western Canada:
Liz Sauvé
Tel: (604) 453-2488

Emily Hamer
Tel: (604) 220-3076

For Eastern / Central Canada:
Luiza Staniec
Tel: 514-665-3413

Telus Surrey Bc Address

The address of Telus Surrey Bc is Shawn Hall, 2nd floor, 768 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 1K8, Canada.

Telus Surrey Bc Email Address

The email address of Telus Surrey Bc is

Telus Surrey Bc Website

The Website of Telus Surrey Bc is

Telus Surrey Bc Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Telus Surrey Bc is +1 (604) 695-6500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Telus Surrey Bc Service Center and Telus Surrey Bc customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Telus Surrey Bc customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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