Tennessee High School Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Tennessee High School is +1(423) 652-9494 .
Tennessee High School is a public high school and was established in 1916 on Alabama Street. The Bristol Municipal Stadium is famous for its soccer games and Stone Castle which was constructed in 1936. In academics there are two paths of study i.e. a university path and a technical path and the Tennessee High School also provides Advanced Placement techniques. Consecutively In both years 1971 and 1972 the Tennessee High School had won the state football championships.

As per the records of 2015, the school had more than 1150 students. Tennessee High School delivers education from 9th standard up to 12th standard. Besides this the students of Tennessee High School take part in various games and athletic programs such as Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, Track & Field, Wrestling, etc. Tennessee High School imparts educational services in both technical and academic streams. The medium of instruction in Tennessee High School is english.

Important Contact Details of Tennessee High School

Attendance Line(423)652-9499
Guidance Office(423)652-9317
Athletic Office(423)652-9361
FAX: (423)652-9582
Weather Info Line(423) 652-9554
Library Media Center(423)652-9424
School Cafeteria(423)652-9350
School Health Center(423)431-9827

Official Mailing Address of Tennessee High School

Besides these contact mediums the company can also be contacted through mailing address. For any kinds of questions or other types of help, the customers can write the company officials on their mailing address. The mailing address of Tennessee High School is:
Tennessee High School
1112 Edgemont Avenue
Bristol, TN 37620

Fax Number of Tennessee High School

Besides these mediums Tennessee High School has also a fax number, from which the customers can also get help. The main purpose of this fax number is made available by Tennessee High School is that the customers can write their queries anytime anywhere. The fax number of Tennessee High School is written below:

Sign In Page of Tennessee High School

the customers or the members can register their names on the official website of the Tennessee High School. If you are already registered you can manage your account by logging into your account where as if you are not registered you can sign up through the sign in page or from the administration department of Tennessee High School. The link that will directly take you to the official Sign In/Sign Up page of Tennessee High School is written below:

Tennessee High School Address

The address of Tennessee High School is 1112 Edgemont Ave, Bristol, TN, United States.

Tennessee High School Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Tennessee High School is +1(423) 652-9494 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Tennessee High School Service Center and Tennessee High School customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Tennessee High School customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Tennessee High School. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Tennessee High School will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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