Vancity Chilliwack Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Vancity Chilliwack is +1 604-824-8300 .
Vancity Chilliwack is one of the branch offices of Vancity that is a credit union in Canada. Vancity is originally known as Vancouver City Savings Credit Union. It is a financial service company that offers a wide range of banking and financial services including mortgages, loans, investments, insurance, savings and chequing accounts, foreign exchange, online banking and many other services like a bank. But it is little bit different from banks as it owned jointly by its members. It is having over five lakh people as its members who can take benefit of its services.

Vancity is an old credit union founded in the year 1946 The credit union is having number of offices and ATMs all over the country covering cities such as Squamish, the Fraser Valley, Metro Vancouver, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. Vancity's headquarters are located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is one of the leading and biggest community credit unions in Canada. Vancity credit union is a representative of Central 1 Credit Union in Vancouver. In the year 2005 the union started issuing prepaid Visa cards, named as 'mytreat gift card' which was first of its kind in Canada. It is a members-only credit union which means its services are only for members. The company runs a customer care center for providing information on its products and services to its members.

Vancity Chilliwack Address

The address of Vancity Chilliwack is 45617 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1A3, Canada.

Vancity Chilliwack Website

The Website of Vancity Chilliwack is

Vancity Chilliwack Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Vancity Chilliwack is +1 604-824-8300 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Vancity Chilliwack Service Center and Vancity Chilliwack customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Vancity Chilliwack customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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