Mr. Yazan Abu Alhassan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Dear sir,
Hope you are doing well. I am not having any contract with Vodafone and today morning i just saw that you have deducted 47, 99 euro from my account without any authorization from me
Could you please inform me why and for what you took this money from my account?
Here is the details of the money taking:
Type of transaction: FOLGELASTSCHRIFT
purpose: 5006615693 Rechnung otelo
Creditor ID: DE26ZZZ00000006194
Mandate reference: OTPL05786208
collective order reference: 5006615693
Best regards
Mr. Mairbek Dotsoev On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Mit diesem Schreiben kündige ich meinen Vertrag unter Vodafone-Kundennummer: 110705607 zum nächste mogliche Zeitpunkt 28. 11. 2019. Bitte bestätigen Sie mir meine Kündigung in schriftlicher Form. Mit freundlichen Grüßen 09. 10. 2019.
Hello, I have a problem with Vodafone Giga TV. I just set it up last Saturday and it does not work. Since Monday I am trying to contact Vodafone Germany Customer Service, but it is impossible to get to them. First there is a talking machine that only speaks in German, and if you manage to pass it you would reach an operator in the end who also speaks only German. Vodafone Germany has no customer support in English, or at least that is what one of their operator told me. I still have not solved my giga TV problem, and I still have not reach any person in customer service to talk to. It is unbelievable.
Ms. Iselie Iglesias On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I have a dsl connection at my home and there are few problems which I am experiencing lately. 1. I cannot browse on multiple devices at the same time. If I am browsing a movie online on my laptop, my mobile fone will show "No connection" till I stop browsing on Laptop. 2. While I am on an internet call, for eg Skype or Whatsapp, after few min, the connection is lost again and it takes five min to reestablish an internet connection.
Ms. Katja Behrens On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hello, I would like to contact Vodafone for my dsl in Berlin. But the contact number is not working. (0049 0800 1721212- also tried it as 0049 800.) I tried mobile, skype and landline, nothing works. I did make my contract online from the UK so I do not know why I can not reach it now. I want that my dsl is now finally done. I am waiting already since beginning of April. Service is difficult to reach, communication with Vodafone is very difficult. Thanks, K. Behrens.
Ms. Elena Bein On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Dear Vodafone
Having been your customer fir many years I am very upset about your service. There is no coordination in your action, your colleges are not listening the treueste of the client. Their so much confusion about the prolongation of the contract and delivery of s new iPhone. I kindly ask you to stop sending me seven plus iPhone and giving me time to decide bout iPhone eight plus or Xpjone
Waiting for your clarifications. Remaining at your disposal
Elena Bein .
Ms. Elena Bein On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Dear Vodafone
Being your customer for a very long years I am really very upset with the latest serviice. Not only it takes more than 39 min to wait on line, your colleges on line do not coordinate the inquiries of the customer. At the end of Augustus I applied for a new seven plus iPhone wit a new delivery address, but it was sent to my home address while I am all days by work. Then it was missunderstanding of having created a new additional contract with a new number which your Wanderführer colleg Mr Herrmann helped to cancell. Today at your store in Frankfurt am Main in Zeil I learned that you again sent me a IPhone seven Plus. It is really to much and to much chaos with your service. I am afraid I will consider my loyalty to Vodafone. I kindly ask you to investigate the matter and advise to listen to the customers needs. Waiting for you answer and remaining at your disposal
Elena Bein .
Mr. Natarajan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hi I brought I roam package seven days location Germany Munich, I can not make calls, but internet is activated
My number is 8940752305
Pls activate and message me, I need to contact my local principle
Natarajan s.
Mr. Ingo Jagnow On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Good Morning, just read your letter from December 04, 2017. I only cancelled my existing contract, as I have been moving to another apartment. Followed by a three month out of the country stay. As I was very pleased with your service, I would like to continue our business. Please feel free to contact me via email. Apologies for posting it here, but that is the only access to customer service, I found. Sincerly,
Ingo Jagnow
customer no 2331 68 901
Luisenstrasse 25
26548 Norderney old address, but still in your files.
Mr. Krishna On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hello Team,
I am using iphone8plus on contract with Vodafone. I have eight GB data per month as per contract. I want to check how much data is unused. How can I do this?
Also, I am not able to use meine Vodafone app, please suggest me Vodafone app where I can track all the details like data usage etc
My Mobile No: +491629159269
Krishna .
Mr. Barry Achilles On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My latest Bank Kontoauszug shows Vodafone withdrew 0. 18 cents from my account. I have not been a Vodafone customer for over three years. I am not happy that you are still accessing my account. Last year a similar withdrawal took place and I received fraudulent invoices from you, for a very expensive Mobile Phone, you also billed me for use of the phone. I eventually went to the German police and after Vodafone completed their investigation, you advised me that the Mobile Phone had been fraudently ordered and used. The details on my Kontoauszug are: Rechnungs datum 24. 11. 2017, Vodafone GmbH 0000015478218 0012027281361, Rechnr: 114833368615, End-to-End-Ref: 0000015478218 0012027281361 Mandatsref DE04KMMC000015478218T000761151 Glaubiger - ID DE26ZZZ00000006194 SEPA-BADISLASCHRIFT Wiederholend.
Mr. Abdul Manan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My dsl connection not working i set up it very well all passwords are accepted, but its not wokring the wifi when i desconnect it from the computer the internet nor working what should i do and do you have a support engineer that can help me and come to my home and set it up. Thanks.
Ms. Ritika On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My SIM is blocked. Please tell me puk nummer. Phone number Is 4915251337862.
Mr. Surendra On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hi Team,
I have problem with my internet connection, it is disconnecting very frequently, could someone from Vodafone team help on the same, if yes, i can share the internet details.
Ms. Carla Anderson On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My phone has been off for seven days now. My phone number is 01724963438 and I received a phone call concerning a credit, but now I am being told I owe a bill of 192. 01 to get my service reconnected. I am not sure why because I have not missed a payment on any of my bills. I received a SIM card upon sign up as I already had a handy upon signing up for service.
Ms. Mary On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My boss is in Germany on a business trip and is roaming his phone on Vodafone network. He is able to make and receive calls, read text messages, but he is not able to send messages. He uses an iPhone and is on MTN network back in our country
Please help.
Mr. Shantanu Biswas On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My VPKN No is VF002801 and packet number is 89363056. I was supposed to get the connection from 18th May, I haven't got the connection yet.
Mr. Evangelos Nitsopoulos On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My Name: Evangelos Nitsopoulos , DORFSTR. 16. 17321 Rothenklempenow, email is auf 14. 05. 2016 Nachmittag, ich hatte auf meinem Handy weniger als three Euro, ich Aufladezeit wurde von Netto von 15 Euro zu kaufen und ich habe sie in meinem Handy, und so hatte ich mehr als 15 Euro, dan am Nachmittag auf 14. 05. 2016 ich schicke two Text in Deutschland und ein Text in Pollen. Als ich mein Gleichgewicht zu uberprufen, wurden mein geld weg, nur um three Euro verlassen. Warum? Was passiert mit meinem Geld? Diesist nicht das erste Mal in den letzten seven Monate, um es 4-7mal passiert, Warum mein Geld weg? von meinem handy? Wo sind mein geld? Nitsopoulos Evangelos.
Mr. Dheeraj Chawla On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I bought the cabel internet service from Vodafone, which I got the modem from the Vodafone side without any welcome letter or Modem installation code (MIC). Can you please send me the MIC code to me to my email
Or otherwise, please call me on my mobile - 015163757661 and share the details. I called Helpline number to get MIC, but all were German speaker and they I do not understand German language, so they were help less. Please help .
Ms. Saowana Thakoonnan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I have visited Vodafone at The mall of Berlin on May 4th. I bought a 49 Euro for '5Gb internet without calling' package and unfortunately it doesn't work. I went back to the shop the next day for advice and Mr. Phillipe was't satisfy with me and begin to yelling at me. I wasn't blamed him about his failure to help, but was extremely disappointed with his reaction after his attempt. I was thankful for his attempt to help, but i wish someone could help me warn him about his behavior. PS. I brought this SIM card with Mr. Phillipe's college. Thank you.
I had purchased a Vodafone dongle for use during my visits to places in India. My Vodafone no and relationshipe numbers are as follows. Vodafone No. 7506261669
Relationship No. 103325675
I could not get the download speeds at Pune where I spend most of my time. I sent mails to Vodafone Mumbai customer care on following dates to disconnect the service. September 28, 2015
December one, 2015
December two, 2015
January four, 2016
I stopped using the Vodafone in September 2015 itself. Even after so many mails and my personal telephone discussions with customer relationshioe executives, I am continuously harrasses by Vodafone for payment when I dd not use the servcie at all. I am sure Vodafone Germany will ook int this issue. Thanking You,
Very Truly Yours
P. K. KUlkarni.
Mr. Malik Asif On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hi. I am Malik Asif from Schwabach Germany. More than one month ago I did contract with Vodafone for DSL connection, still I am waiting for my connection. On first termin two persons came to me and they couldn't found the TAC box, I complaint to the costumer service and they gave me 2nd termin on 29th January, but no body came to me at this date even didn't call to me any person. Lot of times I called to the customer service after long time waiting operators pickup the phone and said to me they do not understand English. The service of the technical department is very bad. I do not know how long I must wait really I am very disappointed from the Vodafone service. My phone number is 01732934378 My customer number is ; ARC7602251999.
Mr. Min On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I have used Vodafone Prepaid for four months while I was in Germany. However, when I returned to Canada, Vodafone locked my phone and now I am unable to use my Canadian SIM card. I own an unlocked iPhone five and have never encountered this problem before. My Vodafone number is 4915236277818.
Mr. Maarten On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I applied as a new customer end of October 2015 for two sim-only, Internet DSL and TV. The Sim-Only was working four days after I've got it. Only the internet connection is so slow that it's useless to have. I travel to Luxembourg daily and have to manually select a roaming provider everyday to stay on the grid. For the internet at home they finally give me a date for the connection in 16-02-2016, almost four months later? My wife is at home, just one car small village, no TV at night or on weekends for my four year old. I think the service of Vodafone is really, realy bad. Especially that they all move the problems to some one else and ask you to stay patient. But for how long? Going to bed at eight is the only option. four months waiting for internet and TV and a crappy phone connection is truely bad. Thanks Vodafone aswesome serviceKind regards, Maarten 001936601018Ihre Kundennummer:.
Mr. Jignesh On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
i am the valuable customer of the Vodafone, i have holding the pre-paid card from last two years. My card number is 8469882464(Gujarat, India), i have recharged the internet pack of 199 for 2G, by mistake i have recharged double time, i have immediately (on 16th Oct 2015 at 11:15) called to your Vodafone customer care, but Mr. Mohmad senum (May be the right name)has instructed that we can not give you back the excess amount and company will take that amount, Please clarify that this is the right information? if it is than this is not acceptable. My Complaint No is: 1718469570Please revert as early as possible as we have to decide the further action. Vodafone -Gujarat - service is very poor and they are not made the policy in favor of the customer, Expected reply as early as possible on my mail ID :Jignesh 02874@yahoo. Co. In Regards, Jignesh Kapadia.
Mr. Balamurugan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Hi, this is my Vodafone no - 918489733948complaint : amount debited in my Vodafone no -without any reason. The mount debited from in my account on 10. 08. 15 at 13. 44 min i wrote mail to Vodafone customer care on same day and called seven time to Vodafone customer care and accepted the complaint. The customer care person told to refund the amount with in 24 hrs to your account, but till now amount is not credited to my main balance and tried many time to Vodafone higher official, but till now i can not able to contact number due taking to connect the cal 15min more. I am totally dissatisfied in Vodafone network because i face third time this type of issues in Vodafone network. Sorry to say, i moving to Vodafone to air tel network and called to my family member to change the networks also. Thanks for given the your network support past eight months.
Mr. Timothy Mitchell On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I speak no German so a friend helped me top up my account. He made a mistake and selected 2GB for one month, much more than I could need, I was later given the option to cancel this on the 22922 helpline which I did. However, your system did not recognize this and nothing has changedCheck your system and see my consumption rate, I do not need 2GB in one month and I cannot find a number for an English helpline. I need 750MB for August and the same for September.
Mr. Ankit Jhingan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I am very much disappointed with Vodafone services here in Germany. I recently moved in Darmstadt, Germany and i thought since Vodafone is a reliable international brand, I should stick to it and start using it here as well. But to my surprise things are not the same here. I had applied for a new DSL connection four weeks ago with customer ID ARC7602054743 Your engineer dint turn up on his appointment today i. E 19th May and whole day i took off from office just to make sure i remain at home. I walked to the Vodafone store asking for the reason that why the technician dint turn up and i got a response that why do not i get my account cancelled from a Vodafone executive at the Vodafone store itself. Despite waiting for whole month if i end up with no results then there is no use of Vodafone. I want an urgent connection to be installed as I had already incurred huge losses due to non availability of internet.
Mr. Arfan Ahmed On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My mobile stop free calling in Germany, but I have free package two year free. Please help me what happened. Also stopped Wi-Fi workingThanks. Best regards Arfan 0049 162 4131367.
Mr. Farhan On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My friend's phone has been stolen in Barcelona Spain. Here is SIM card number. Please block this phone. 004915226203739.
Ms. Gita Talasu On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I would like to escalate an issue which was open since 30th of September. The internet connection (DSL fixed net) was not working in my flat.
Ihre Kundennummer: 001932790018
A technician has come on 2nd of October to enable the internet, but after he left, when i connected easy box to laptop, it did not work. I always get the error code fc812 and fc814. After that, i called Vodafone and took another appointment on 8th of October, but the technician did not arrive. Again i took another fixed appointment on 11th of October, but technician did not arrive again. I have been facing this issue for 15 days. I have called customer care more than 50 times, but no one is taking any action, even not providing any alternative solution. We are not happy with service. I and my husband are working from home. There is no internet since 30th of September. We had to apply leaves till date. Now we have another appointment on 14th of October and if the technician will not come, i will be forced to take an action on this.
Mr. Alif Amlani On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
Right now i am in germany and i had already activated international roaming, but in germany it comes incoming, but not going outgoing calls. So please kindly help me.
Mr. Feli X Mensah On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I am felix mensah.
Manager of felixco telecard company at the moment i am in ghana and i have lost contact with my business client.
I will be happy if you could link me to telecard registry in munich in germany.
Thank you.
Mr. Hal Kleinman On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
I am sending this "out of service" report for an elderly lady who is at her wits end to find assistance. Unfortunately I am hearing impaired and cannot use the telephone.
Since last night, Monday, October 14, telephone connections both incoming and outgoing receive a busy signal. Your customer is an 82 year former opera diva who uses the telephone to keep her doctor informed of her health and other social contacts. Would much appreciate your prompt response to this problem. As both her fixed line and cordless respond in the same manner the problem would appear to be in your central switchboard. You customer is:
Frau Margarete Futran
Papagenoplatz 1
82152 Krailling
Tele.: 089/857 44 77
Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Hal Kleinman
Ms. aurelia ursuti On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
i try have internet on my phone, but i don.t know what i have to do ...i bought a card credit and now what is the next to do?I received a SMS internet is activ on my phone, but i still not have internet.I need help..thank you
Ms. Mrs McCord On Phone To Vodafone Germany Service
My husband has locked his phone, and it now requires a PUK code. Please help! I've tried loads of other websites, but no luck. The problem is I have no credit on my pay as you go phone at the moment so I can not call any helplines. I also have no Vodafone shops nearby. Any suggestions would be very appreciated!