Mr. Ernest Boas On Phone To Google Adwords Service
I need to find and access my account where money is being taken from my bank account and I need to get in, but am not able to. I also need to cancel my other account that has an incorrect e-mail ( Please help.
Mr. Rajkishor Kumar On Phone To Google Adwords Service
I am not using g pay with debit card (visa) of State Bank of India bank so please check this and resolve my problem.
Ms. Val On Phone To Google Adwords Service
Please could someone call me? It is regarding a financial query. Our account is 2057-6304-0466-8914 and the direct debits that you take from our account. The amounts taken did not match our July invoice and I need to see why. My direct number is 0161 827 4028 - Val Carruthers.
Mr. Santosh On Phone To Google Adwords Service
Please remove adwords registered with my mobile number from Google search engine and website.
My e-mail. Id is blocked so place open the my id.
Mr. Badri Vishal On Phone To Google Adwords Service
Error retrieving information from server (RPC:S-5:AEC-0) found when we download any application through Google play store and open the Google+ we found error as on could not connect server. please check the matter and resolve our problem as soon as possible.