DRV DAV Centenary College Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of DRV DAV Centenary College is 01826222336 .

DRV DAV Centenary College is affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University.

DRV DAV Centenary College Phillaur, was established in the year 1985 and has attained an envious position in academic, sports and co-curricular activities. This college owes it origin to Sh. Yash Pal Vedhara, an NRI business magnate, In the sweet memory of his father late Sh. Des Raj Vedhara. Sh. Swatantra Kumar Malhotra was nominated as chairman of the Local committee. UGC has also granted approvel under section 2F of UGC Act. under the seasoned and experienced guidance, inspiration and motivation of the enlightened DAV CMC and Local Committee, DRV DAV Centenary College has now fully blossomed and has created a niche for its academic, cultural and sports activities. The college provides education in different faculties. The college is located in Phillaur, Jalandhar, Punjab.

It is firm belief that value based learning has far greater relevance in a dynamic and ever-changing work environment. DRV DAV Centenary College ensures that our students share a very special relationship with the institution. Easy accessibility to faculty guidance, firm assurance of staff support and a very caring and naturing environment, all lead to effective realization of our goals. Our mission is to demonstrate an unconditional commitment to learning, to openness, mutual trust and faith.

With over 400000 sq. ft of building space, situated far away from the din of the town, our campus is clean, green and extremely friendly place to be in. Blending the hi-tech with the traditional, our campus is designed to stimulate thought and empower action. Our approach towards space for learning, quite literally can be through the impressive architecture of our building.

DRV DAV Centenary College library has a collection of text and reference material, journals, magazines, Audio videos, which have been carefully selected from a number of professional institutions. All students have a direct access to library resources of the college. DRV DAV Centenary College has established a new security book bank this year in which the students can take the new books from the library by depositing the security equal to the price of the book. The security will be refunded to them when they return the books at the end of the session.

Our computer labs equipped with internet access and latest software constitute an integral part of our campus. DRV DAV Centenary College provide a network of pentium4 adequately matched and supported by a host of printers, scanners, modems and other peripherals. A large amount of space is dedicated for students who learn in a stimulating atmosphere. The college also added a new LCD Projector this year to our existing infrastructure. Our well equipped labs in Physics, Chemistry and Biology provide each kind of support to science students to transform their knowledge into practice.

The canteen experience is a must in itself. The aesthetically designed canteen named as "Leisure and pleasure Center" serve the best quality snacks and beverages at highly subsidized rates. The elegantly designed furniture of the canteen provides a feel of comfort to the students when they relax in between their study schedule. DRV DAV Centenary College plans to have separates new canteen for girls this year.

DRV DAV Centenary College know the problems of our those students who come from remote villages where they don't find the proper study material. They don't even find time to go the city for purchase of books & stationery so we have provided them a book shop within the college campus to save their time & money. The books, stationary and other allied things are made available to the students at competitive prices.

DRV DAV Centenary College offers different kind of Graduate and Undergraduate courses. Undergraduate courses such as Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Computer Application and offers one Graduate courses like Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application.

DRV DAV Centenary College has established a career guidance cell which provides the necessary skills and vision to excel in their dream career. We believe in beginning early to plan, guide and provide directions to the career path of all our students. The results are positive as we have succeeded in placing our two students within the initial stages of our career counseling cell. We also have a foreign placement cell in which we guide the students, who wish to settle abroad.

DRV DAV Centenary College Address

The address of DRV DAV Centenary College is Phillaur, Jalandhar, Punjab.

DRV DAV Centenary College Website

The Website of DRV DAV Centenary College is www.davphillaur.com.

DRV DAV Centenary College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of DRV DAV Centenary College is 01826222336 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of DRV DAV Centenary College Service Center and DRV DAV Centenary College customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of DRV DAV Centenary College customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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