Mr. Steffen Fishah On Phone To NBA TV Service
Hi, I believe the WNBA Games are Valid and I am paying for this NBA Station Is there something you guys can do? Please This is a waste of great footage, I believe so it is This does not happen with the Fella's games Been a Long time happening Who else do I need to complain to?.
Mr. Karl Tomko On Phone To NBA TV Service
The worst experience I have ever had watching an NBA game was last night's Chicago-Cleveland game. Having to listen to those three studio BOZO'S for the whole game was pathetic I was able to enjoy the game some when I muted the T. V. I hope your not STUPID enough to ever do that again.
I am trying find out what is going with NBA TV I am trying to watch the wnba game the picture keep messing up this becoming a regular thing I am now trying to La vs Dallas games can you please fix this problem soon. I have Comcast and NBA TV is part my package.
Mr. Charles Schorpp On Phone To NBA TV Service
What can we do about the commercials running too long and customers missing live action? For example, last night during the Sixers/Kings game, the game went to break with 25 seconds left and the feed did not resume until the teams were walking off the court. Not much of a deal if I'm watching commercials at crunch time instead of live action. Please advise and feel free to contact me back via email,
Mr. James On Phone To NBA TV Service
Why do the players only analyst have to talk so much during the game as if every one in the audience is a clueless basketball fan. I put my TV on mute because listening to them destroys the game. Even when a guy is at the free throw line they still are talking. My god take a break and let a dam enjoy the game without all the back ground noise.
Ms. Donna Bentley On Phone To NBA TV Service
When the WNBA Lynx game is scheduled to be shown on the NBA channel on Cox here in Omaha, NBA blocks the program stating contractual restrictions. Since the game is not available on any other station here in Omaha, I am complaining about this block. The game was blocked today, July 15, 2018.