Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali is 01605009675, 01605009665 .

Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali is affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali (Mohali campus) strated functioning from the session 2005-06 and in a short time of about 5 years, the college has earned a mammoth reputation as a leading Law School in the North-Western region. The admissions in terms of quantity and quality, in the Session 2009-10 have eventually turned over a new leaf in the Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali In an unprecedented manner the college has contrived to script a momentous chapter in the history of Private Law Colleges The thumping win of the Law College in garnering maximum number of admissions in the State of Punjab vis a vis other Private Law Colleges has not only consolidated its position in the legal arena but has also reaffirmed the dexterity of Law College.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali is one of such endeavors for achieving the said challenge. We believe that education must not only be informative but it also has to be refining, socializing, humanizing and giving a better citizen to the world. We at RBCL give all our national as well as international students our best, may be it is course structure, infrastructure, technological advancement or the educational ambience; we leave no stone unturned to impart them the best of all. Having set this vision of producing “World Citizens” RBCL strives hard to achieve this aim through its humble efforts of giving the students the potentials of it. Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali has created a benchmark of imbibing into the young minds commitment, transparency, dedication and straightforward attitude towards hard work. The placements offered to the students of RBCL are self evident and self-explanatory.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali offered five year law courses. The admissions are made on the basis of common entrance test (CET) and subsequent counseling conducted by the specified University in Punjab. Students admitted through counseling are required to report to admission committee of the Rayat and Bahra College of Law along with all requisite original certificates and fill the admission/ hostel forms and deposit the college as well as hostel dues.

Reading is regarded as one of the most enriching habits for the simple reason that it is not just a hobby or a pass time Ms. Kamaljit Kaur that entertains you, but it is also an educational activity and hence brings to you librarian a vast reservoir of knowledge. Reading increases the drive for knowledge and inspires people to gain more information. Thus a library is a treasure of valuable books for the people to use and gain from it.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law-RBCL Mohali also has One Computer Lab. Hall, Moot Court Hall, Library Hall, Two Faculty Halls, One Girls’ Common Room, One Boys’ Common Room, Office Room, Directors’ Room and two store Rooms.

Physical development is a crucial and important aspect of human development. A sound mind rests in a healthy body. For students’ proper physical and mental development, sports are a must. A playground is said to be 'a cradle of democracy'. Physical activities in the form of sports, games and athletics develop the qualities of sportsmanship, leadership, discipline, self confidence, perseverance, judgment, foresight, judiciousness, fairplay etc.

The development of society cannot be in vacuum. It needs a structure in which a certain set of rules and principles are enshrined to avoid anarchy. These rules are termed as ‘law’. Thus, social betterment can’t be achieved without legal force. Law is made for the common people. The contagion of lawlessness would undermine social order and will ruin the society. Law being foundation of society, growth of society can’t be imagined without the force of Law.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali Address

The address of Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali is V.P.O-Sahauran, Distt. Mohali, Punjab, India..

Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali Email Address

The email address of Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali is rbcl@rayatbahra.com.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali Website

The Website of Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali is www.rbcl.rayatbahra.com.

Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Rayat and Bahra College of Law Mohali is 01605009675, 01605009665 (Click phone number to call).

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