T-mobile New York Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of T-mobile New York is (212) 687-4800 .
T-Mobile New York is the service location of T-Mobile US, Inc., which is a public wireless and telecommunication service provider company. It was established in the year 1994. The headquarters of T-Mobile New York is located in Bellevue, Washington, United States of America. The predecessors of the company were VoiceStream Wireless Inc., T-Mobile USA Inc., Metropcs and Communications Inc. The parent company of T-Mobile is T-Mobile International AG, which is a holding company of Deutsche Telekom AG. The two main products contained in the portfolio of the company are Mobile telephony and Wireless broadband.

About T-Mobile New York

T-Mobile has the existence in ten European Nations such as Austria, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Poland and the United Kingdom along with the United States. The company became the division of Orange UK in 2010 as of result make the largest mobile network operator in the United Kingdom famous as EE. T-mobile is an American based operator, which provides great amount of services to many customers like wireless voice, messaging in the United State. Later on Deutsche Telekom was renamed as T-Mobile U.S. In 2012. The total count of the employees of the company as of 2014 was approximately 43,757. The company is registered on the New York Stock Exchange for public trading.

Plans and Services of T-Mobile New York

The company offers various plans to users for communication and internet services. There are a wide range of prepaid plans that are offered by the company such as tablet internet plans, monthly plans of different rates, mobile internet plans and pay as you go and daily plans. T-Mobile provides various communication and internet access devices like Mobiles, Tablet, Internet Hotspots, etc. Mobile devices offered by T-Mobile are iPhone, Android based smartphones, Blackberry and mobile phones of many other companies. These devices are available on special discounts on contract basis.

The other services of the company includes unlimited international calling with discounted calls, nearly 1000 mobile to mobile minutes to Mexico, unlimited calls to landline in more than 60 countries and unlimited calls to mobiles in approximately 35 countries. The mobile and tablet internet prepaid plans consist of wide range of data plans that consist of $20 with 1GB data, $40 with 5GB data, $60 with 9GB and $70 of 11GB 4G LTE data monthly plan. It also support services like billing, phones, account, plans and coverage.The phone supports services offer subscribers with customer care community, phone blog and phones support.

Headquarters Address of T-Mobile New York

The headquarters of the company is located in Bellevue, Washington, United States and the permanent address of the headquarters of the company is 307 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017, United States.

Web Portal of T-Mobile New York

The official online website of the company is www.t-mobile.com. The customers can visit the website for any query or detailed information related to the company. The company serve the individual customers with 24 hours online help through personal accounts. The customers can Buy different mobile phones through the official website of the company.

Contact Number of T-Mobile New York

The customer service number of the company is 1-800-866-2453. The customers can call this number to talk to the customer service representatives of the company regarding any inquiry or complaint. The customer service is provided from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Social Links of T-Mobile New York

Facebook page of the company www.facebook.com/TMobile.
Twitter link of the company twitter.com/tmobile.
Linkedin of the company www.linkedin.com/company/t-mobile.

T-mobile New York Address

The address of T-mobile New York is 307 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017, United States.

T-mobile New York Website

The Website of T-mobile New York is www.yelp.com.

T-mobile New York Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of T-mobile New York is (212) 687-4800 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of T mobile New York Service Center and T mobile New York customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of T mobile New York customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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