Tunga Mahavidyalaya Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Tunga Mahavidyalaya is 08181228262 .

Tunga Mahavidyalaya - Shimoga is the offspring of "Tunga vidyavardhaka Sangha" - an association of the philanthrophists of Thirthahalli region, established in the year 1967. College has got in its possession a vast premises covering an area of 27 acres of land. It provides for sufficient number of rooms for each class, laboratories, conference, comittees, library, sports and administrative work and separate waiting room for girls. It offers different kind of undergraduate courses.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya - Shimoga is located at the foothills of Anandagiri in Thirthahalli Town, Shimoga District, Karnataka State, India. The college maintains separate library for each of its constituent college to provide access to excellent information services, resources and facilities to students, faculty, researchers and the diverse community to facilitate them to be active and lifelong learners. The library adequately equipped with 45,600 books covering wide range of disciplines of academic and non-academic interest. The college also subscribes for international and national journals, periodicals and newspapers for the students and faculty members at the college library.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya - Shimoga has been encouraging students to compete in the field of sports by providing necessary infrastructure and financial facilities. The college has also a canteen, which cater to the needs of staff and students of the college. The college can boast of high standard of teaching, the credit of which goes to its devoted teachers. It has been contributing both to academics as well as extra-curricular activities. It has a long glorious history of producing brilliant debaters, who represented the college at national level and brought laurels to the college.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya Address

The address of Tunga Mahavidyalaya is Ananadagiri, Thirthahalli, Shimoga Dist, Karnataka.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya Email Address

The email address of Tunga Mahavidyalaya is tunga.degreecollege@gmail.com.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya Website

The Website of Tunga Mahavidyalaya is www.tungacollege.com.

Tunga Mahavidyalaya Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Tunga Mahavidyalaya is 08181228262 (Click phone number to call).

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