Twitter has blocked me and cannot get it fixed or make contact with anyone. The phone number I found on line 415-222-9670 does not work. I have submit many requests to get my account back on line to no avail
I was illegally block only for support Kyle who only defended himself from criminals that tried to kill him. He was also found not guilty in a court of Law Twitter which is going on with you? We the people have freedom of speech My statement was not harmful in anyway shape or form. I was not promoting violence or hate speech not at all
I need to be allowed to post again. If not so be it I will tell thousands to stay away from Twitter
I mainly use FB anyway and will soon Join Trumps Social Media which is kinder to the people.
I've sent an email and tried calling regarding an issue that occurred with my Twitter account. My PC crashed yesterday and during that time I logged onto to Twitter using my cell phone. The PC was fixed and now when I try to login to my PC Twitter account it shows as italy12081 instead of italy1208 (original). I've lost all my information. I want my original account restored and the italy12081 removed. My mobile number is 717-805-2936.
Mr. David Goodman On Phone To Twitter Service
You are bias demon-crat KKK ISIS antifa communist party is not allowed to control i've seen people threaten and curse i used a word out of dictionary you will not block me anymore abide by U. S. A. Laws not yours.
Ms. Catherine Medeiros On Phone To Twitter Service
you need to contact me about fraudulent activity Catherine Medeiros 774 301 2817 mobile 508 675 6304home
Ms. Catherine Medeiros On Phone To Twitter Service
you need to contact me about fraudulent activity Catherine Medeiros 774 301 2817 508 675 6304
I gave you my debit card info to promote a tweet or two. I deleted my Twitter account the next day and by accident, i unknowingly logged back into my account. My online bank acct. Was charged for the $50, 00 promote, I was horified to see that my debit card was charged three more times in amounts of $200. 00, $200. 00 and $495. 00 I submitted this to you 7vrl timeson yout site got no response. You drained my bank and now I have overdraft charges w my bank in addition to the $1, 000 you took. I am filing fraudulent activity w my bank, however ID prefere to be reimbursed directly fro you. Please call or email me
Catherine Medeiros
my deleted Twitter acct was catherinemedei8
My Bank Debit Card is w baycoast bankt MC ending in 2319
my cell phone 774 301 2817 Home is one 508 675 6304.
Mr. Jimmy Jones On Phone To Twitter Service
You people have allowed my email to be stolen by some middle eastern woman, then suspended MY account. In addition, none of you seem to have the spine to face me. My phone number is 619-600-1739. Leave a voice mail with a WORKING return number.
Dear Sir: I would like to know why I have been blocked from Twitter? I only commented to Joe Pesce's Twitter who consistently says the word F Trump. This is disturbing to me and I feel he should be the one blocked from Twitter. He promotes violence along with his friend Christine comedian who held up a severed head of Trump. Tell me why I was knocked off and theirs was not. Please review and reinstate me. Thank you.
It seems twitter supports all forms of evil and hate conservative people like you and me!!
Twitter and other left wing news and social media is violating out constitutional right to freedom of speech!! what they are doing is really illegal!!!!.
Dear Twitter Team,
My Twitter account has been suspended recently and I do not know the reason why. I have checked the Twitter rules and as per my knowledge I have not violated Twitter rules. I am a law abiding citizen and have always been a sensible person. You can check my Twitter account @Jitenanayak
Awaiting your support on the same
Kind Regards
-Jiten Nayak .
They did the same thing to me!!! it seem twitter hates all good people and embraces evil!!
God will have the last say come judgement day.
Mr. Jim On Phone To Twitter Service
You need to able to talk to a human for customer support. Very poor support.
I tried the phone number. I found and guess what? it is not working!!! twitter is very controlling and very unprofessional!!!.
I do not have a Twitter account and I received a verification code on my phone. Why?.
I was hacked by Instagram and they were sending out adds to my followers message screen. I changed my PW, but was unable to receive the verification number because I used my wife's cell phone and she is out of state on business. I do not know what to do to get back on Twitter?.
I can not get your Twitter password to function. It keeps saying it is opened in an app. My Twitter account has never been a phone app. I use a PC to open my account. Can you help. I think it may have been hacked. It was original oped under My sign is @wolfden3.
My Twitter account @divya_T786 is lock i use my old gmail ID i cant access that one so hw can recovery that account am owner of that account you can ask any question regard that am ready to answers any of your question.
Mr. Vishal Kumar On Phone To Twitter Service
my account has been suspend before one month. I have no idea. How to suspend my account and few some days i am not use my account. So please unsuspend my account. Ph-9334880261. My aacont name is @universalsfact. Please help me sir.
Mr. Suresh Rathore On Phone To Twitter Service
Not able to log on. Reset the password. Email
I want to promote my college advertisement through Twitter my college name is @terikkr. Please provide the necessary details.
I want my verified account on my Twitter handel and increase paid followers for 30 k followers want my Twitter account so may i request what is the procedure of how to increase my followers my Twitter handel is @susheelwalia i also requested to Twitter verifiedrequest @verified they should be know.
we are no able to connect Twitter account with facebook profile or page as per the instruction given on your site. Please let us know how to resolve this issue.
I am not able to sign up and getting below message from the past two days"Something is technically wrong"May I know whats the issue?Also i want to know if the problem is with the site during sign up then why I am getting the Twitter confirmation code on my mobile- 919873508969.
Hello Twitter admin,
here i would like to raise one problem we facing to open my Twitter account. I have been trying to login for last two two day, but its showing me a error that page is not working (redirect too many times). Regarding this i have made a complain on your website, but still not getting any response so far. Kindly resolve this issue on as soon as possible mode. Thanks
My Twitter account is
user @Healthkeyper.
Mr. Roger Crosby On Phone To Twitter Service
When I try to sign into my accont, it gives me someone elis page. I have not sed this accont in years, but its tied to my email address, the same address that I've had for over 13 years. Please let me know. Thank yo.
Sir i am not login my Twitter account. When i sign in than message show "verify your Identity", but i have not received verification code on my mobile. Mobile number is 91 9334789717.
Sir, when i sign in my Twitter account than message shown in verification coade on regst, number But SMS is not received on registered mobile number How to open my Twitter account.
Mr. Shivjeet On Phone To Twitter Service
How can I increase following and follower. Sir I have 5001 following and 1413 follower. Sir I can. 'the following any one. Please tell me what is problem in my account.
My Twitter account numbert updating. Why?.
Mr. tomersandy On Phone To Twitter Service
Mr. Sandeep tomer my user ID @Tomersandy my mail ID is I lost my passwordPlease help me. Please help me Reply.
Mr. Pratik Agrawal On Phone To Twitter Service
My registered number Is 9974216261. I am forget my user ID so please can send my user id.
My name is Ajay Parashar and my problem is that other person copied my photo on your Twitter profile please help me.
I can not log in my Twitter account and also unable to reset my password throw my Gmail Id because I am unable to access my gmail account what I do. Please help me my Twitter account is very very important.
You got dat account recovery.
My mobile number 9928211404 regulars. I am Twitter account number many days. So i not confirmed my user id. My account registered mobile number is 9928212404. So please sir my registered my mobile number account user ID send my mobile number.
By a court order, I need to deactivate my Twitter account. This 30 day thing is making me violate the court order. Plus there is nothing showing I deactivated my account and this could land me in jail. PLEASE HELP It is Morgan Calvi @rgkilian. Please deactivate this or at least show it is so many days until it is deactivated.
Message Received: If you have not logged in to Twitter, but your account has been reactivated, it may be compromised.
Mr. Karun On Phone To Twitter Service
Hello Sir/Mam, As we have a single business page. So, can we integrate multi addresses of our works on a single business page.
Mr. Faisal On Phone To Twitter Service
Some one has hacked My account I think. So tell me the steps to recover it. Only My Gmail ID is accepting.
prapti mane On Phone To Twitter Service
Hi I was logged into twitter through my Android phone since I have opened the account. I'm an active user but i dont know mt Email Id and my Password as I used the app for it. Recently I formatted my phone and all the data with the passwords is erased. So can you please help me get my account back. I really need it please HELP!!!
I have Twitter account by "", but whenever I login it keeps saying we have sent you a six digit code to your phone. I do not get any code on my number. Please do something.
I was logged into Twitter through my Android phone since I have opened the account. I am an active user, but I do not know my Email Id and my Password as I used the application for it. Recently, I formatted my phone and all the data with the passwords are erased. So can you please help me to get my account back. I really need it please HELP!.
Mr. Swaroop Kumar Sahu On Phone To Twitter Service
My username is @ImtheSwaroop, I had changed my password, but i forgot to remember. So i am unable to open my account via e-mail and phone also. How can i sign in through my old password ??